Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Hi everyone! Ok, so obvious warning that this IS Pokeshipping and if you don't like Ash and Misty together, then you probably won't like this. Well, not to be big headed or anything, but if you think the idea of Ash being drunk is funny, I'm pretty sure you'll like it even if you don't support the shipping as my writing is normally pretty mild when it comes to bold romance.

 Also, I'd like to warn you that I don't like Cilan and make a jab at him... or at least Misty does, though I agree with Misty and think that, in all honesty, this is the only way Ash would really get drunk. (Don't want to spoil it)

This story is unrelated to my other Pokeshipping fanfic "The Competition" and I wrote this for fun because the question "What would happen if Ash got drunk?" popped into my head and I couldn't resist the temptation to write about it :P I truthfully hope this chaotic Ash moment wouldn't actually happen in the Pokemon world, though it was a lot of fun to write about.

Also, the cover I made with a picture of the Unova Ash (bleh) looking absolutely adorable, fast asleep with Pikachu and a Caterpie that just aired in Japan recently. A Butterfree episode. And to think I was so excited that Ash's Butterfree may be returning for a guest appearance.... disappointed yet again by Unova! Oh well, the picture still made me smile and reminded me of my story and the good old Kanto days. The Misty picture was done by CarinaT on Deviantart.

That's about all I feel like I need to say... I hope you enjoy this short piece of work and that it makes you smile, laugh, fangirl (or boy, I guess.) over the epicness that is Pokeshipping.


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