A falcons heart (5/?)

768 51 28

Art by : Vertigo!


Madara cleared his throat blushing a bit as he looked towards his side nervously. _(n)_ moved her gaze to him smiling as they sat across one an other .

"So uhm......"


Madara looked  to his lap now. His cheeks glowed pink for a while ' Tch........' "How you doing ." " good and you ? " "same....." The woman kept her smile with a nervous stare as he kept his gaze down.

"Madara are you okay?"


"You've been acting strange lately , why? "

"Nothing nothing...."

"Come on !! Tell me!"

"N-No it's fine..."

He covered his mouth with his hand having a nervous expression "......uhm....can you...." " yeah?" She smiles tilting her head.

"...can you hug me...."

She smiled bigger having redden cheeks. Her eyes moved to the side as the corner of her mouth twitched containing her scream.


Madara kept his gaze to the side feeling some one sitting next to him , soon came long arms wrapping around him calmly with a head laying on his arm.  The man blinked feeling calm. Extremely calm actually.  " why the sudden request! Am I like your hostess ~~" " Urusai........." He glared blushing not wanting to say more.

--------------1 Month---------------

Madara walked out the police station extremely exhausted with a yawn escaping his mouth. His eyes moved straight meeting a familiar woman.

"Why are you here ...at this time "

"Not late !"

"It's 11:30 P.M....."

_(n)_ kept smiling up at the man while he blinked confuse" anyways go to your house I'm heading home...." He kept walking passing her but twitched feeling her hand snatch his wrist. Madara turned looking at her confuse while she stared at him seriously.

"Your coming with me ."

"No...I'm tired."

He glared trying to walk but made a poker face not able to take his arm back. He looked back seeing her having a strong grip ' how the hell.....' He made a nervous expression as he looked at her.

_(n)_ smiled at him slowly with the most manliest expression as he trembled blushing looking like a Uke.

---------1:56 A.M-------

Madara blinked trying to stay awake as he held a popcorn bucket next to him was a smiling female as she watched the movie slurping the soda.
Both were the only people on the theater , well on the room, so the womans laugh was heard most of the time echoing.
The man turned to his side with black coloring on his eye bags , he stared at the woman half sleep with a grouchy expression ' how is she still awake...' He blinked seeing her arm move to his side to get The popcorn, the man blinked moving the bucket towards her hand but slowly looked straight at the movie hearing the nonsense.

_(n)_ blinked smiling as she made her hands clutch something but . Madara gasp with wide eye.


The woman smiled nervously looking to the side meeting madaras terrified expression as his cheeks glowed bright red. Her eyes moved down seeing her hand clutching the area between his legs. She looked up again as they made eye contact. _(n)_ moved her hand slowly bringing her arm back to her side. Madara looked straight wide awake as he placed the popcorn bucket next to him.

Waifu (Uchiha Madara X Reader) (Discontinued) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang