True Story (9)

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Was HW, thought it would fit this.          Favor is a Funny Little Thing

Fear shook over my seven year old body. "Debbie, your parents and sister Tryna just got into a car accident". My mind was all over the place, thinking of all the negative possibilities, especially the thought of my parents being dead, leaving my five day old little brother and I to be orphans.

The next thought I had was, what if it was me?

I desperately wanted to go on that drive with them. I remembered chasing my mom around the house saying, "Mommy, can I please go with you?!"

"No, Debbie" she replied.

"Please mommy, I want to go with you."

"No Deborah, you're not going. Stay with Mrs. Valrie and Isaac until I get back"

I huffed. You can never really win a fight with my mother.

After my pleading I suddenly fell into a deep slumber, I don't even know how or where I even fell asleep, all I know is that I woke up in my bed. When I realized my mom probably left me I ran into the living room to make sure.

They left without me, I banged on the door and almost cried. I brought myself back to where my babysitter Mrs. Val was, with my adorable baby brother. "I can't believe they left without me." I wined. I remember thinking that they were gonna hear a whole mouthful of me, when they got back.

They knew I loved car rides.

Next thing I know is that the phone began to ring, and ring and ring. Mrs. Valrie finally decied to go pick it up. "Hello" she said.

That moment I saw her face began to drop, and the whole atmosphere of the room changed. At that moment, curiosity got the best of me, and I wanted to know who she was talking to, most importantly, what they were talking about.

My wish came true. "Debbie, your parents and sister Tryna just got into a car accident". Pain overwhelmed me.

We rushed to the hospital, I saw my mom, dad, and dear friend, all in one of those white rooms separated by cloth. I hugged each and talked to them, I almost cried. To mine and my parents luck, only their disc in their backs got messed up.

Even though, that happened I thank God even to this day that my parents did get to see their children get to grow.

"Be thankful in all things"; that is one thing I am. Although this experience may be negative I learned that the reason my had said no, was because God told her not to. And I'm glad she listened. When things might not be in your favor at one point of your life, it might be in favor for the rest of your life. God knows what he is doing and I'm glad he is in my life. Thank God for all things.

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