thirteen • the death of a bachelor and his famous last words

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Brendon blinked awake, locking eyes with Sinful Cyanide across from him. He was awake, looking straight at the one that used to go by Hyper Transmission. "B-Brendon? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Where's Mikey? Is he okay?" 

Cyanide nodded slowly. "He's a bit of a mess, but he's with his brother and Reckless Vengeance."

"Thank Christ, okay."

"Can you get up?"

"Not yet."

Brendon started to weasel his way slowly out of the restraints, desperate to get out and get to Ryan. He had to save the last remaining member of his team. Or, at least he would die trying. "What kind of operation are they fucking running here?" Brendon asked, looking at the nearby tray that resembled too much of a medieval torture kit. "This...this is borderline inhumane."

"It is inhumane. You weren't awake to see them punishing Ray."


"He's alive, but one of them. I...don't know what happened, but he is. And this horrible fucking woman got mad at him for asking who we were because we were familiar, and...oh, fuck they made me watch what happened." Cyanide visibly shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut upon the image Brendon didn't even want to imagine.

But the woman Sinful Cyanide was talking about entered the room, looking between the two now-conscious musicians with a growing grin. "Good evening, gentlemen. I am Madame Mutineer, and no I am not a killjoy. You may be acquainted with my sister, Bulletproof Smile, but she's the nicer of the two of us, I promise."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Bulletproof Smile-"

"Is my sister, yes. She used to be Lithium Luck until Better Living bought us and fixed us up."

"That would make you... Red Revenge?"

"Indeed. Now, enough chatter, let's get to business."

They were hardly able to keep Brendon on the table. Madame Mutineer stood over him, her hair tied up and her sleeves once again rolled up to her elbows. Instead of simply shoving the mask on him and sedating him, the woman had a glint in her eyes as instead the medics with her strapped him to the table. She wasn't ready for him, not yet. 

Instead she moved and leaned over Sinful Cyanide. "Just tell me your name, darling. You're a dead man anyways."

"Don't fuckin' tell her-" With the simple flick of her wrist, there was a gag placed over his mouth. Well, if he won't be civilized, then we have to get medieval. 

"R-Ryan," Cyanide stuttered, his eyes wide as the woman looked over him and seemed to just dissect him with her eyes alone.

"Well, Ryan... You, me, and this tray of various utensils are going to get along very well."

Brendon could do nothing for the hour that felt like days just composed of the exterminator torturing Ryan. He struggled when it got really bad, but even then the medics were focusing on keeping Brendon down; not keeping Ryan alive or a leash on Mutineer. When she had finished, getting no answers other than his name, Mutineer grabbed the closest gun and simply shot him in the head. A medic confirmed Sinful Cyanide dead, then took his body out of the room. 

"And now, you. Hyper Transmission, was it? No, Brendon. That sounds better. Since Ryan was the second Killjoy to die giving me no answers, I'm only going to assume the same you'll do the same. Correct?" 

Brendon raised an eyebrow, gesturing with his eyes to the gag. She pulled it off, rolling her eyes. "You'd be correct in assuming that," he said, his eyes narrowed and piercing into the exterminator's black shirt and blood red tie.

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