Smells Like Third Grade Spirit

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"You're going to regret everything!" Eduardo screamed to the group of third graders. All of them stared back in fear--except one. Mariana had always been one to cause trouble, and Eduardo had no doubt that this latest prank had been her doing.

    It all started earlier that morning, when Eduardo was in a hurry to go to work. Upon opening the car door, a rabid raccoon jumped out and attacked him--but that wasn't the worst of it. After being mauled by the raccoon, he raced into his car, already late for work. But he didn't see the hornets nest hidden underneath his driver's seat until it was too late.

    First one sting, then two, then a huge mob of hornets covered him, stinging left and right and forcing him out of the car. On top of all that, he got fired for showing up late to work!

    So here he stood, in front of his old students, glaring down Mariana. Itching for revenge.

    Clapping his hands together for good measure, he attacked. The students became a blur as the terrified third graders all ran in opposite directions, screaming. All except Mariana.

    Lunging for Eduardo's throat just as he jumped for hers, they were locked in a struggle to the death. Except Eduardo had an advantage: a knife hidden in the back pocket of his jeans. Whipping it out, he lodged it in between her fourth and third rib. Mariana let out a loud gurgling sound and fell back, twitching.

    But Eduardo wasn't done.

    He pulled out a plastic grocery bag out of his back pocket, wrapping it around her delicate head, pulling tight.

    "This is for every prank you pulled on me," he snarled to the blank face, just as someone pulled him off of Mariana. He felt the cold metal of handcuffs squeeze around his wrists as the policeman read Eduardo his rights, leading him into the back off a police car.

But Eduardo was satisfied. He'd finally gotten his revenge.


Written by Skylar Jordan and Cecelia Bonaparte

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