Chapter 7 - Travelling Bags

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Instead of carrying on with the camp activities, I decided that we should get packing. So I stood up in front of them again and grabbed their attention. ''Ok so, we will be leaving early morning tomorrow or possibly this afternoon. The sooner we get there the better.'' I said with genuine pride in my voice. ''We should start packing right now, everyone should get their best weapons. Apollo cabin you guys are in charge of ambrosia and nectar, get as much as possible the head councillor is responsible for making sure they do it.'' I said hinting to Josh who was the head of his cabin.

I summoned the blessing of Minerva again, to use it to plan all of this. I turned to Vulcan cabin and said ''you guys are in charge of getting extra weapons, swords, bow and arrows, spears anything....just make sure that it won't be too heavy, once again the head councillor is responsible'' I said directing to Leo who nodded determined.

I said to Bacchus cabin (Bacchus is God of Vine and Madness) ''you guys are in charge of food, we only need it for the trip, don't carry anymore I don't want to tire anyone out, the head is responsible'' then I said to Ceres cabin to help them and they agreed.

''Mercy cabin, you guys are in charge of hospitality, bandages, plasters those kind of things'' I nodded and said ''like the rest, the head is in charge'' and they smiled and went off. I smirked and said ''ok, let's get going. The rest of you pack your weapon and get your armour.'' Everyone nodded with a strong face and went to their cabins.

I called Mr G and told him to organise the transport, and he went off. I sighed and went to my own cabin and packed my sword and bow and arrow, I deactivated them of course to get rid of unnecessary weight. I decided to wear my armour instead of carrying it.

My armour was gold in colour, not bronze. It was a gift from Mars when I done a task for him. It also represented my importantance to Olympus. Luckily, it was very light and it was a perfect fit for me. As I looked around my cabin one last time, I couldn't help but wonder if I would see it again. The most scariest thought was which of my friends I would lose, I am not that good when it comes to them kind of situation.

I cared for everyone in the camp, even if they do get on my nerves. Being able to love everybody is one of my best and worst ability, in a way I love it because I treat them like my close friend of even family, on the other hand if they do's like there is a massive hole in my chest and I can't get over it.

It took us about 3 and half hours to get ready, but it was faster than I expected. They assembled right by the entrance, and were now waiting for Mr G. Mr G organised 2 big couches to take us to New York.

I tugged Mr G to his office and said ''we should probably sent the Greeks an Iris message'' and he approved of my idea and got a golden drachama. He handed it to me slowly and I took a deep breath and walked to the Iris fountain.

Iris is the Goddess of Rainbow and she is the one that connects mortals and Gods together in a way. I flipped the coin in and a fuzzy image was forming, I said ''oh Iris Goddess of Rainbow accepts my offering and show me Camp Half Blood''.

The image shimmered to a shape and I saw campers rustling around busily. One of them gasped when she saw me and came closer. ''Hello my name is Arya high priestess of Olympus, and a camper from Camp True Blood'' I said with my head held high.

She stared at me speechless for a second. She had blond hair with sausage curls in it, her eyes were this amazing shade of grey, stormy grey actually. She looked Californian because she had a tan as well, but her eyes ruined it. She must be a child of Minerva Goddess of Wisdom and a lot of other stuff.

''Um hello, can I speak to the camp director or instructor?'' I said getting impatient.

She bowed down awkwardly and then said ''one minute, Chiron?''. I heard a clomping noise and then I saw a centaur, he had thinning brown hair and a scruffy beard.

I straightened up and said ''hello my name is Arya and I'm from Camp True Blood''. Mr G said ''and I'm Greg, camp director and instructor''.

He nodded and said ''hello, what can we do for you?'' just by his voice, I could tell that he was very wise.

I took a steady breath and said ''I am sure that you know about the situation in Olympus Chiron, and Camp True Blood is offering our services to help defend it. Our campers are ready to make our way to New York and we will be there by tomorrow morning, or lunch.''

He smiled and said ''your help is certainly needed, and it would be an honour to fight alongside a noble camp and a high priestess'' he gave me a wink and I laughed.

''You must be the Chiron isn't it? My uncle'' I grinned, he chuckled and nodded.

I cleared my throat and said ''we will see you tomorrow then'' he nodded and bowed, I approved and closed the message off. I shrugged and said ''they seem nice, now let's go'', Mr G grinned and we walked outside to meet the campers.

I mentally spilt the cabins in half to decide who goes on what bus.

''Ok listen up'' Mr G's voice boomed and everyone fell silent.

''Jupiter, Venus, Apollo, Vulcan, Neptune, and Ceres cabins are going on that bus'', I said pointing to the biggest bus. I know, I know I had all of my friends with me but I needed them. Those cabins made their way into the bus as I said ''so that means Mars, Mercy, Minerva, and Bacchus cabins are going on that bus'' I said pointing to the other bus, then I said ''Mr G is going be with you and I will be in the other''. They cheered and went to their bus, Mr G said that there will be a staff member with me in the bus and that our buses will go together all through the night as well.

I made my way to my bus and climbed in, I felt uneasy. What if I was making a huge mistake? Any bloodshed would be my fault....I shuddered at the thought. I made my way to the back and the bus started to move. Jason and Piper were sitting together and Josh was sitting next to a heavy looking bag, so that meant that I had to sit next to Leo. Normally I would be rejoicing but a part of me is just too anxious. Piper winked at me with a cheeky smile, I rolled my eyes she sat next to Jason on purpose so that I would sit by Leo. I gave her a quick smirk, which made Jason put on a bored face.

I silently sat next to Leo, who grinned at me. I smiled and sighed.

''Hey so what were the Greeks like then?'' he asked starting a conversation, which I'm grateful for.

Hey people, tell me what you think so far

don't forget to comment/feedback that your thoughts are and stuff :)

I hope you liked it, I know it was short.....I'll try and make the next chapter longer xD it or hate it


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