Things get real ( X-Girlfriend)

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
I Wake up and do my normal morning routine, and go to school. I see Ethan at his locker so I walk up to him and give him a big smooch on the lips. He says
Ethan: wow missed you babe
Me: missed you to.
This random girl walks up to me and Ethan and decided to invade our conversation and says to Ethan" hey Ethan I am your ex- girlfriend do you remember me. And Ethan says " ummm yeah", Alana you don't know her but her name is Mia we used to date back in year 6". Oh ok I said. I was actually a little bit shocked because he never told me that he had other girlfriends back in the day. Ethan said this is my girlfriend Alana. " ok, she quite pretty" when she said that she started at Ethan like he deserved more. And I was a little bit pissed off by the way she acted around Ethan. And she said to Ethan I am a new student here, so I guess I will see you around. " umm ok" he said.

Ethan 's POV:
I am still going to be nice to Mia but we have nothing anymore we are done. Now I am with Alana and I don't want anything to come between us.

Next day of school

Alana's POV:
At school period 3 has finished and I am sitting down with Ethan at the cafeteria eating lunch and then Mia walks by and asks me if she could sit with us and of course I said yes because I didn't want to be rude. And she replied by saying oh well thank you Alana, and gave me a dirty smile. She took a seat next to Ethan which I was very pissed off about, and she knew that I was, she only did that to try and make me jealous. She was going to wrap her arm around Ethan's and then Ethan looked at what she was about to do and he said to her" Mia we are not dating anymore ok, I have a girlfriend now and you just need to stop trying to get in the middle of our relationship, because me and you will never happen again, do you understand?" He said " fine be that way Ethan you are nothing but a loser anyway". As I was dragging my seat out from the table Ethan knew that I wanted to say something to her. And then he said to me  in a low sweet voice "Alana sit down just don't worry about her, and I promise you nothing is going to get between us ok, and I am saying this from the bottom of my heart I absolutely love you Alana you mean the world to me and I would do anything to protect you". " You know that right Alana" Yes Ethan I knew that you would be the right person for me on the first day of high school. And I love you so so much." But Alana I love you more".

                                       A couple of days later.....
Ethan's POV:
I haven't seen Mia at school lately it's kinda weird, but she deserved to be yelled at that day. She just doesn't understand, I am happy that I am with a girl that actually understands my feelings towards her, and that is obviously Alana I am talking about here no one else, we'll also my brother Grayson. He is my best buddy in the entire world. We are both absolute goofs.

Alana's POV:
I am happy that Mia is starting to get the picture now. That Ethan has moved on and has got a new girlfriend (me).

Ethan Dolan// ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now