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   "This can't be happening , this can't be happening" I whisper this over and over to myself as I make my way up to the stage. I can hear Liam screaming and crying for me. "No , this isn't happening, this isn't happening" tears run down my face in what feels like warm summer rivers. I try to drown out my brothers screams, try to regain myself, try to calm myself and not humiliate myself in front of the dozens of cameras.

   "Very well" I can tell that Alessandra is annoyed by the loud screams coming from the crowd. I can see that many are murmuring because they knew my parents. They know that my brother will be left behind. "Let's move onto the boys, shall we?" I can't bare to watch how delighted and happy she is about this whole situation. She's acting like this happens everyday, and that its just something to be happy about. No. It's not. Twenty four teenagers are sent into an arena where only one can survive. How is that fun? "Sam Lyche, please make your way up to the stage" a young boy comes limping to the stage. I have seen him around town , and know that he was born with a permanent limp. He is only thirteen. He won't survive. "Can we give a round of applause to our two lovely tributes?" The crowd claps softy, not amused by the situation at hand. Many are still talking and pointing, and I know they are wondering who will take care of my brother, as I am wondering the same.

   Peacekeepers grab me and lead me into a room with the fanciest couches, tables, and walls I have ever seen. This must be the wealthiest room in all of District Four, well, except for the victors mansions of course. I sit down at one of the couches, and feel myself sink into the embroidered cushions.

   The wait for my brother feels like hours, and soon I am starting to think that the peacekeepers wouldn't allow him in. Just as my thoughts begin to bubble, the door flings open , and in comes my brother , and my mentor Mags. Liam jumps into my arms and starts to cry. I have no words for my little one, for I am as shocked as he. Mags sits at the table and watches us. She isn't one to talk, and it's okay because there are no words that can make this situation okay.

   "You have to win Coral, you have to win" he sits up in my lap and looks at me. His eyes are bloodshot and swollen from all of his crying. "You can't die"

   "I'll win , I promise you" I kiss his forehead and hug him tightly, my tears falling on his small little head.

   "I'm staying with one of Mags friends Coral. She's nice, but kind of weird"

   "Now what did I tell you about weird people?"

   "Weird people are made from sea, special and unique, lovable and kind, but most of all withered by time" he rolls his eyes at me and I laugh. My parents taught me that saying the first time I called someone weird. My dad told me that weird people are withered by time because they learned so much , and became very wise.

   "Now listen to me Liam. You be nice to this lady, okay? Don't give her trouble, and most of all, don't talk back when asked to do something. Be nice and kind, and most of all thankful. Okay?" He agrees to my rules, and lays his head down on my shoulder. "I love you my little sea monkey"

   The door opens and Mags comes to take Liam away. He takes her hand and walks out. When the door is shut, I weep and weep. My body is filled with movement as my shoulders bob up and down. I've never thought that I would have to endure another loss. Liam needs me to win, but I'm weak, I have no strengths, and I don't have the mindset to kill off innocent people.

   "Coral?" A small knock comes from the door and when it opens I see Alessandra's colored makeup smeared face looking at me. She must have been crying. "It's time to leave for the train" she opens the door wider, and I wipe my eyes, and straighten my dress before walking out. It's just a short walk from the square to the train station , and I can already see the cameras and reporters. They are like monsters, feeding off of people's pain.

   Alessandra steps onto the train first, then me. The doors shuts tightly behind me and we start moving. Everyone is seated , and I ask to go to my quarters. Alessandra leads me, and tells me that everything here is in my reach, and that I can do as I please. I thank her before shutting my door and locking it.

   The room I stand in is huge. It has a big bed, with a night dresser, a closet filled with clothes, and a bathroom with a tub and shower all in one. A sink and a toilet are also included. It's extravagant, and I'm not used to it. Everything looks so expensive that when I open the drawers to look at the clothes, I'm afraid that I will break it. Pulling out soft white pants, and a long blue top, I head to the shower. I've never had a shower before, and I'm exited to try it out.

   When done with my shower, I walk out into the dining hall, and find that the table is filled with dinner roles, meat, vegetables, drinks, and other small course meals.

   "I was just going to come and get you!" Sam says with a large amount of food in his mouth. I laugh, and sit down next to him.

   "Easy there champ, we have a lot more where that came from" Finnick sits across from me, and he smiles at Sam. Sam thinks it's the best thing in the world coming from him, but to me it's just a smile on another person. I don't buy the charms that he puts out into the world. There has to be something darker underneath.

   I load up my plate with some meat , some mashed potatoes, and a role. I don't want to eat too much, because I probably won't get much food in the arena. The others notice, but don't say anything. I hear Alessandra make a comment about Sam's eating, and I silently laugh to myself of how ignorant she is. He is a poor boy, one of the poorest in the District. She should know that the food there is not always in our honor.

   I head to my room, thinking of sleep. Maybe if I sleep too much, that I will miss the games. I know this is silly. I turn on the television in my room , and a replay of the Reaping is playing. There are lots of small children that won't stand a chance , and one girl I find particularly interesting is Katniss Everdeen of District Twelve, she volunteered herself as tribute for her younger sister.

   I would have done the same if Liam's name was called, that is , if I could.

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