Um... y/n?- zane

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Something made me sense, something was not alright in y/ns room. It made me worried sick, and i just couldnt leave that aching pain alone. But another thing i sensed was that, for some reason, was that y/n was going to have a sweet tooth when i would see her today. So, before i stopped by her room that night, i decided, to make 2 batches of her favorite kind if cookie. She loved it when i made them, so i decided, why not?

I had this feeling that y/n would not answer the door if i knocked, so i decided to let myself in. "Y/n-" i saw was shocked to see a flash of y/n snatch the cookie pans out of my hands and threw them onto the bed, sucking them up like a vacuum soon after. Dashing back over to my direction, she gripped a hand on either one of my arms and screamed "I NEED FOOD!!!"

Startled by this new behavior, i searched my engines for why teenage girls can have unusual behavior, and results shown it is a mood swing in their upcoming menstrual cycle and they become very upset, hungry and angry. When i focused my attention back to y/n, she was sobbing in my arms. I rubbed the back of her head and kissed her cheek, murmuring softly "its ok," in her ear.

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