Wolverines?- jay

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Ok so i never got a response as to how animeloverforever123 wanted her suggestion done, so, I'm just rolling with it. And do you notice that I don't have as many typos as I'm writing this chapter? I got my laptop connected to the internet, and I didn't realize until a little while ago, so I'm updating on this. So, hooray! Anywhore, on with the story!

"Woo-hoo! Let's see here... That's 100 to 3! Come on, y/n, I thought you were good at video games!" You rolled your eyes and growled at Jay as he squealed in victory for the hundredth time. He had bought a new game about zombie-werewolf-vampire apocalypse this morning, and ever since he came home, you two would NOT stop playing it. In fact, you had lost track of time. In fact, you weren't really sure what time it was, just that it was really late at night, and you were determined to beat Jay and catch up with him. But the chances seemed bleak. "Oh come on Jay, I'll beat you next round...." You yawned, rubbing your eyes with one hand while keeping a firm grip of the controller with the other. You looked away from the bright screen for a moment as you looked over at Jay, who was sitting on the floor in front of your bed. He seemed concerned that you were staying up this late, and why you were so determined to beat him. "Y/n, are you sure? You seem really tired and it's like 3 in the morning. Are you sure you wanna keep playing?" You nodded, clicking the restart button on your controller, preparing for the next round.

And somehow, you won. After seeing your name light up on the victory screen, you squealed in victory, sticking your tongue out at Jay. Man, you were such a poor winner. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered was that when you looked over to Jay's shadow, he was growing, like from 5 foot to like 10 and a half. His figure became a lot more hairier, and his fists became paws with extremely sharp claws, and as he turned to you, his whole body had turned into a giant man-eating werewolf. He was about to pounce at you when you jolted out of sleep, and noticed that you were asleep the whole time. "You're finally awake!" Jay called as he entered your room, hugging you around the neck and pecked you on the forehead. "So you wanna play that new game that I got yester-"


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