XXXVI. Phone Calls and a Dead Brother

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His father's order was final.

He wanted to reason, to insist that an investigation be made, but he knew there was no talking the man out of it. And Theo knew better than to insist further because that would also mean he'd have to bring himself in.

Theo might have gotten used to witnessing the man order the death of many in the past, but to hear him order for the death of his own son as if Richard was as invaluable as the others—like their mother—made Theo's blood boil.

But as much as he wanted to strangle the man with his bare hands, an opportunity that had come to him countless times in the past, he couldn't very well do so without expecting the entire underground population to come out and do him the same honor.

He had to do this right. God help him he'd do this right—even if it meant losing Richard, his own fucking brother.

As he stormed out of the office, he sent Desiree a message to keep herself busy until that evening because he was stuck for a few hours. He would not dare tell her about the current situation. She was one to react before she thinks.

He stopped in the middle of an empty hallway, braced his hand against the wall, to compose himself.

I want you to kill your brother...

"Fuck," he cursed, his jaw tightening in controlled fury as he dialed Richard's number. "Where are you?" he asked his brother.

"At the bar, getting wasted as always."

"Meet me outside the east exit in five minutes."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

The next person he dialed was the least wanted to come into contact with at the moment. Against better judgment, he did it anyway.

It rang three times before the call was answered. "Kane," she answered.


"Khaye, it's me, Desiree." Khaye almost dropped her phone on the floor.

"Desiree?" She immediately closed her mouth, her eyes wandering around her apartment. Marco was in the kitchen fixing dinner. "How did—where are you?" she whispered, walking, almost running to her bedroom. She was not ready to tell Marco. She didn't think she wanted to right now.

"I need to talk to you," Desiree uttered from the other end just as Khaye said, "I need to see you."

A long silence followed. Desiree's end seemed silent so she must be hiding somewhere too.

"Are you...are you safe? Where have you been?" Khaye hurriedly asked, checking if her door was still locked. She could still hear Marco working in the kitchen.

"I'm safe. But I don't think you are," came Desiree's reply.

Her brows furrowed into a frown. "What do you mean?"

"You may still be in danger. Please, Khaye, I can't tell you everything over the phone but I promise to tell you what you need to know. Let's meet. When is the soonest we can meet?"

"Are you working with them? Are you among the Liaisons?" Khaye hissed on the phone. She was not going to meet her without being sure.

"How did you—no, I am not. They—it's a complicated thing. Let's meet. Just tell me where." She ran to the bath and locked herself inside, turning on the shower to muffle her voice. "I promise you, Khaye, I can help you. You're in danger because you know something about them. They are not very happy right now. And I might also need your help," Desiree was saying.

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