Chapter Twelve

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I kept telling Gabriel's father lies.Rick won't stop laughing while Gabriel won't stop glaring.

"Your stories are really funny,"Rick commented.

"I'd like to stay and hear more of your stories but I have an appointment later.I hope you don't mind that I'll be leaving already,"he added.

"Oh,of course not,"I shook my head.

"Thank you,dear.Gabriel,why don't you show Megan's new room.I mean your new room,"Rick winked at Gabriel and walked off.

I waved at him non-stop until Gabriel grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs.When we reached the second room,we entered it,and he threw me.I almost stumbled but regained my balance.

"What do you think you're doing back there?!"he growled.

I amusedly smirk at him,"Just joining your game."

"What game?!"he yelled.

Suddenly,my smirk disappeared and was replaced by a frown.

"Don't play dumb with me!"I growled,"We didn't met at the movies!You didn't offered your handkerchief!"

He was taken aback on what I said to him.

"W-whatever.I just did what I can to not get our cover caught,"he replied.

"So,is "Angry Danny" calmed down?"I teased while crossing my arms.



"Alright,whatever.You stay here.I'll be going somewhere."

"So,you have an appointment,too?"

"I'm just meeting an old friend,"he opened the door,"Later."

Before I could react he slammed the door.


I walked towards the closet.Once I opened it,my eyes twinkled.

 The closet was filled with beautiful outfits and shoes.Then I headed to the bathroom.It was luxurious.So big!And filled with accessories.

Am I in heaven?

Suddenly my phone rang.

I looked at the caller ID.

My Evil Boss

 Whoops.Gotta change that username.

I placed my phone in my left ear and rested it on my shoulder.Letting my left and right hands explore the clothes.


"Megan.You see the closet in that room?"he asked.

"Yeah.I'm actually looking at it,"I replied.

"Good.Now change your clothes.It must be really hot in there."

"No.Actually,it's a little bit cold here.But,I would love to wear one of these,"I giggled.

"Pick anything.All the clothes that is hanging there is all yours now."


"Yes.I gotta go now,Meg."

"Thank you,thank you,thank you!!"I answered while jumping up and down,"Bye-bye!!"

i put my phone down and look back up.

"You're all mine."


So sorry!!I feel horrible because I keep lying to you that this is going to be the last.But seriously,this is the last.For now.Our school starts tomorrow and I have things to do like prepare my things.

I'll update on Friday as soon as possible.

See 'ya around,sunshines!!



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