#48 - Rydellington

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"We're so screwed." She paced around the room, around the body. I glared at her whenever she walked past me. "We're so screwed."

"Rydel, shut up." I ordered. "It had to be done, and it's done, there is nothing we can do about it. It was either him or Rocky."

"It doesn't change the fact that we're going to end up in jail." The smallest thing could cause her to go livid. She returned pacing.

I looked at my blood stained hands with some scratches. "I need to wash my hands?"

"Don't we all?" Sarcasm. "Get your head out of your ass Ellington."

"If you're going to be a bitch about this then just shut up or hand me in. But don't you forget that it isn't my finger prints on the weapon-"

"Shut up!" She screamed, covering her face. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't-"

"Rydel! Mr Ratliff! Are you in there?"  Riker pounded on the door. Rydel looked to me in terror and I pointed at my bed, under which she ran and hid herself in.

I wrapped Michael's body in the rug and rolled it underneath the other bed. Then I slid myself beside Rydel and had to cover her mouth to silence her breathing.

We shouldn't have got involved, at all.

It began with Ross starting at UCLA, where Rocky had been for a year. Ross didn't hit it off with everybody, he was kind of an outcast. Only that he made friends with one girl, Grace. She happened to be Michael's girlfriend of 2 years; and Michael was a popular frat boy, his girlfriend the head of a sorority also.

It was all fine until we got a call from the hospital that Ross had been jumped by some frat boys. That was when Rocky snapped, and with Riker's and his friends' help, burnt down their fraternity.

But then Rocky turned on us when he found out, and ordered us to kill Michael otherwise he would spill some dirty secrets. And me as a teacher, I can't afford that.

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