You Fell Through A Rabbit Hole - Ending Explained

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Hey, everyone. Lexi here! I noticed some of you were pretty confused about the ending, so I’m here to explain what happened. Its not too complex, but I can see where the confusion came from.

At the end, I say its from Sparrow’s point of view in the current day and time. If you go back to the Prologue of the book, at the very top, you’ll see I say “This One’s For Sparrow”. She’s a good friend of mine and the girl I wrote the book for/about. I said it was her future love story.

If you notice, when it first changes to Sparrow’s POV, she’s closing the book, then speaking to Lexi: AKA me, the writer. She says my ending was “Pretty predictable”. Meaning everything you read, every single word before the POV changed to hers, was fictional. Chandler and Nikki world is completely made up, and at the end, I pull all of you into real life through the book. Did anyone see ‘Inception’ or ‘Alice In Wonderland’?  Its something like that.

At the very end, Sparrow is talking to a guy with shaggy brown hair and she feels like something is pulling her towards him. Like…their fates are somehow intertwined with each other‘s. And they are. She realizes how when he says “They call me Chandler”.

And that‘s when I was hoping you‘d understand the whole thing. But if you didn’t, I’ll tell just come out with it. You see…it was never Nikki and Chandler’s love story…It was Sparrow and Chandler’s.

Well, maybe this was a little complex. Maybe this didn’t help at all, but I hope it did a little. I explained the best I could. I hope you all get it now! (: If you didn’t, feel free to message me and I’ll do my explain a little bit better.

Stay Golden.

-Lexi Rain

They Call Him Chandler (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now