Chapter 26: Unpleasantville Part I

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"So you don't remember who attacked you?" Stefan asked Holly. The three of them were sitting cross legged in the middle of Elena's room.

Holly shook her head as she took a bite of her chocolate ice cream. "No, I just remember hitting someone. Damon guessed it must be a vampire. There's no way that a regular human would have survived it."

Stefan nodded as he pulled out a brown box and placed it in the middle between them. "Here. Vervain." He opened the box, exposing the plant. "It's not enough, but you should give some to your Aunt Jenna, your friends. . ."

Elena picked up the vervain plant. "So if someone has vervain on them, they can't be compelled?"

Stefan nodded. "Correct. It should keep everyone safe."

"Holly! Money!" Jeremy yelled from downstairs.

Holly grabbed her wallet and headed downstairs. Jeremy was already there in the hallway waiting, along with the pizza guy. "Finally." Jeremy said. "Are you deaf?"

"Chill," Holly said annoyed as she gave the pizza guy a twenty dollar bill. "Sorry about that, keep the change. Thanks, have a good night."

The pizza guy smiled as he tipped his hat. "You too."

Stefan entered the Salvatore living room the next morning and noticed with a frown that there were dozens of books spilled over the floor. Damon's work no doubt. "What are you doing, Damon?"

"None of your business, Stefan." Damon murmured without looking up.

Stefan crossed his arms over his chest. "Actually it is my business, especially when you're putting my girlfriend's sister is harm's way. What happened in Atlanta with you and Holly, Damon?"

Damon raised an eyebrow. "Why, jealous? You already have a Petrova, honestly Stefan you shouldn't be so greedy."

"If your hurt her-"

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt her. Now shoo."

Stefan didn't budge. "Did Bree said that there was another way to open the tomb, because you're wasting your time."

Damon gave him a mocking smile. "Don't you have school?"

"It's so pretty," Caroline squealed as she tied the necklaced laced with vervain that Elena had given her as they walked towards the school. "Thanks, what the occasion, oh Holly we match! Cute."

Holly smiled as she touched the pale blue necklace. Holly didn't need the vervain necklace of course, but she thought it would be better to play along. Besides the necklace was pretty.

"Oh, no occasion." Elena smiled. Holly noticed that Elena was better at fake smiles than her. "Just a little friendship gift."

Caroline winked at her. "So we're doing friendship necklaces now, because we're freaky like that? Why are you being so mushy?"

"I just want to let you know that I'm ok with you dating, Matt." Elena said calmly.

Holly noticed a trace of anger flashed through Caroline as she pulled out her sandwich. "Thanks, but I think we both know that Matt is still in love with you and he's waiting like a loyal puppy for you."

Elena gaped.

"Caroline," Holly assured her. "Elena is with Stefan now, she and Matt are just friends."

"They didn't look like just friends at the career fair the other night," Caroline replied with an ounce of bitterness. She gave both of them a wobbly smile as she stood up. "I'm going to have my lunch elsewhere."

"I can't believe you two were adopted." Bonnie said as she took a sip of her soda. Bonnie and Elena were having dinner while Holly was working the dinner shift. She looked over her shoulder to make sure that the manager wasn't watching. "And your parents never told you?"

"Nope." Elena sighed. "But it says Grayson and Miranda as our birth parents in our birth certificates."

"All the more reason we should ask Jenna." Holly said. Honestly, she would have asked Jenna as soon as she could, but Elena didn't want too and it felt weird not getting her sister's approval especially since Elena was a part of this as well.

Elena squirmed in her seat. "Why, so she can lie to us again? No thanks."

"Come on Elena," Bonnie encouraged. "How bad can it be?"

Holly looked over her shoulder and saw that the manager was glaring at her. "Crap, got to go. Elena can you get me some pink bracelets for my dance outfit?"

Elena nodded. "I should probably get going. See you Bonnie." Elena laid down a ten dollar bill and exited the Grill.

A few hours later, a little before five Holly exited the Grill after her shift trying to forget about the scolding that the manager had given her, for wasting time by talking to Elena and Bonnie. She was starving, but she wanted to make sure that her fifties outfit for the dance was perfect.

Her cell phone started buzzing. It was an unknown caller. "Hello?"

"Hello, Holly." Said a low, chilling voice. "New car? I supposed the old one got ruined when you ran me over."

Holly gulped and she felt the panic rise in her chest. The vampire that she had ran over was calling her. "Who is this?"

The vampire ignored her question. "Watch your back, Holly. Maybe I'll get you next time or maybe your sister. After all, you two are exactly alike."

"Whisky?" Damon waved the glass in Holly's face. She was sitting in the Salvatore living room with Stefan and Elena.

Holly glared at him. "Seriously? You're offering me alcohol now?"

"God, no need to be cranky about it."

"Why does he want to kill me? And why call first." Holly looked at Elena's stiffen face. "He threatened to hurt me and Elena and we can't let that happen."

"Don't worry, Holly we'll get him." Stefan looked at Damon who shrugged a bit before handing Stefan the compass. "Here." He said placing the compass in Elena's palm.

"What is it?" Elena asked curiously.

"It's a magic compass." Stefan explained. "It helps locate vampires."

"Keep it with you at all times." Damon said looking at Holly. "It should give you a warning at least."

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