Chapter 30: Children of the Damned Part II

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"This is not exactly how I pictured spending my evening." Holly shivered in her thin, green cardigan though she wasn't sure if it was because it was cold or it was because they were about to dig up a grave. Stefan's father's grave in order to get a stupid grimore so that Damon didn't unleash hell on earth.

"Sorry, believe me both of us would rather be doing something else." Stefan grimaced as he grabbed the shovel from Holly. "But we can't risk Damon getting the tomb opened before us."

Elena lit the flashlight towards him. "Why isn't your father buried with the rest of your family members?"

"The tomb wasn't built until after he died." He started digging as he looked from Holly to Elena. "I can do this on my own, you know."

"And I said I was willing to do whatever necessary to help you." Elena quipped. "Holly as well."

"Holly?" Stefan looked at her for final approval.

Holly bit her lip. "Let's dig up some graves."

Elena started laughing as both Holly and Stefan looked up at her. "Sorry," she said. "It's just I never thought I would be doing this in a million years."

Holly smiled. "Well, there's a first time for everything." She started digging. "Put the flashlight a little higher Elena, I can't see."

"Not many girls could say they've done this." Elena mused as she raised the flashlight so that Holly and Stefan could see where they were digging. They digged for a few minutes until Stefan's shovel bumped something. "Stand back, Holly."

Holly bit back a silent gasp as Stefan uncovered a tomb. He paused for a second before he opened it. Holly let out a small yelp, a dead Giuseppe stared back at them, the grimore safely cuddled in his arms. Stefan hesitated for a moment before he pulled out the grimore.

He started flipping through it looking for Emily's spell.

Holly flinched when she heard Damon say. "Well, well what have we here." His blue eyes focused on Holly as if silently judging her "This is an interesting turn of events."

"I can't let you bring her back, I'm sorry." Stefan said weakly.

"So am I." Damon said disgusted. "For thinking that for even a second I could trust you."

"You're not capable of trust." Stefan snapped back. "The fact is that you somehow read the journal and you were planning on doing this yourself!"

"Of course I was going to do it by myself because the only one I can count on is me, you took care of that Stefan." His blue eyes settled on Holly as she felt herself flushed. "But you, you had me fooled."

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

Damon ignored her. "So what are you going to do with it? Because if you destroy it I will rip her heart out."

"You won't kill her." Stefan said simply.

"Stefan," Elena hissed.

"Oh, no?" Damon raised an eyebrow before he pulled Holly is a chock hold, squeezing her neck so tight that she could hardly breathe let alone talk. "Not so trustworthy now that she can't do her handy little spells to protect herself." He tighter his grip harder and Holly let out a whimper.

"Let her go!" Elena said furiously.

"Do you want to be next? Give me the grimore or." Damon bit into his wrist and forced warm blood through Holly's mouth. "Or I will snap her neck and Elena will have a new vampire sister, wont that be nice?"

"Stefan." Elena said urgently.

"Let her go first."

"I no longer trust you." Damon hissed.

"I don't want Holly hurt." Stefan said. "Release Holly and I'll give you back the book." He dropped the grimore near his feet.

"Off you go." He whispered as he patted Holly's head. It took all of Holly's willpower not to burst into tears as with staggering legs she ran into her sister's awaiting arms.

"Come on." Stefan urged as he guided them out of the woods. Damon watched them go as he picked up the grimore.

"Aspin must be downstairs in the kitchen." Holly said weakly as Stefan and Elena walked her towards her room. "Is my head supposed to hurt this way?" She couldn't believe that Damon had actually thought about turning her into a vampire. She knew he felt betrayed, but enough to kill her?

"She's not going to turn into a vampire is she?" Elena asked worriedly.

Stefan shook his head. "No, the blood should leave her system by tomorrow. I'll go get the aspirin."

Elena turned to Holly. "I'm going to bring you a blanket, I'll be right back."

Holly nodded. "All right."

Downstairs in the kitchen Stefan ran into Jenna who peered at him behind her reading glasses. "You know you're not staying the night right?"

"Um, no." Stefan smiled sheepishly. "Holly and Elena and I are just studying."

"Likely story." She looked at Jeremy. "Who are you looking for?"

"Anna." Jeremy greeted Stefan. "Is she here?"

"She probably went to the bathroom."

"Anna?" Stefan questioned.

"My friend." Anna, the name rang in Stefan's head and just like that it clicked. Anna, the vampire daughter of Pearl. The same Pearl who had been locked in the tomb. Stefan knew that Anna wasn't in the tomb was it possible-

Stefan rushed back towards Holly's room. "Holly, where is Elena? Is she here?"

"No," she said startled. "She went to the room, to get me a blanket, Stefan what is-"

Stefan didn't respond as he raced to Elena's room, but he just saw what he already knew. Elena was gone.

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