Chapter 20: Mission Failed

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Check out the new ending to the previous chapter BEFORE reading this one please.

Ashlynns pov

Great, I'm soo excited to go back to school and see my ex. My ex that cheated on me. My ex that for some unknown reason, still has my heart. Joking, I am anything but excited. I rolled off my bed and literally fell on the floor, face forst.

"Dammit," I mumbled and trudged into the bathroom. I quickly slipped off my white singlet and spongebob pyjama bottoms, shivering as the icy air hit my skin. Then I looked down at my undies and groaned. Now? Really? Stupid monthly's. I grumbled and hopped into the shower, blasting the almost boiling water. The image of Alex and Trish kissing seemed to be imprinted in my head. And him shouting at me, accusing ME. I thought I'd gotten through to him, I thought I could fix him. But then again, everyone did, I meant shit to him.

I stumbled out of the shower, still half asleep and made up my mind. I wouldn't let him see that he broke me, I wouldn't let him see how much I needed him. He would see what he was missing out on. It was mufty week, so I pulled on my black and white striped leggings, strappy black heels that I was scared I'd break my ankles in, they were so high, a black bustier cropped top and my leather jacket. I straightened my hair and styled it into a side parting, before applying mascara, black eyeliner and hot pink lipstick. I stood back and smirked at my reflection. Goodbye goody two shoes nerd, hello hot ex who didn't take shit. I grabbed my black back pack and quickly pecked Evan on the cheek before shouting out, "Hwyl fawr, Rwy'n dy garu di ac yn gweld chi heno ar ôl hyfforddi athletau!"

That means: "Goodbye, I love you and will see you tonight after athletics practice!"

I arrived at school with Anna and Jemma, both shooting me worried and reassuring looks. I grinned at them and Anna grinned back, Jemma looking confused.

"Why are you two so happy?" Jemma questioned.

Anna patted her head and gave her a look that a parent would give a toddler who didn't understand, "We're making Alex regret being a stupid asshole, durr!"

And with that, we strutted up the school steps, Jordon flicked his blonde hair out of his eyes and latched onto the red head next to me, Anna was joined by her boyfriend Todd and Jake sauntered up with a brunette who I assume is Jane, his girlfriend, in his arms. People were openly staring at us, that is, until a black motorcycle pulled up. His black motorcycle. All plans of crushing his heart vanished and I felt a wave of emotions run over me when I saw that Trish was driving it. Alex laughed at something she had said as he hopped off from behind her. I turned to Anna with an open mouth before whispering hoarsely, "He let her drive his motorbike? He never let me do that."

That sweet tune of the bell filled my ears and I leapt up from my desk and sprinted as fast as I could in 6 inch heels to the cafeteria. I skidded to a halt when I had reached the lunch line, but being the klutz I am, I knocked over some nerdy kid in front of me.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the cafeteria doors. That was when I heard the high pitched squeals and chatter erupt from behind me. I turned around to see Trish and her posse, with Alex's arm wrapped around the Queen Beetch. The couple walked over to the back of the lunch line, coincidentally where I was. Trish was wearing a hot pink mini skirt and trashy white singlet. I almost gagged. She didn't stop behind me though, instead they began to walk to the front of the line. Alex shooting death glares with his bright green eyes to anyone who looked like they were about to protest. I was fuming, so without thinking I stepped up to the happy couple with my hands on my hips and exclaimed,

"There's a line for a reason douche bags, just because you have the latest season gucci bags and perfect hair doesn't mean your better than anyone else, so get to the back."

Fixing the bad boyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora