The Bathroom Stall|Note Thirty-Six

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Note Thirty-Six

Add three cups of powdered sugar, red food coloring, and one cup of water into a large mixing bowl.

Stir until icing is smooth without clumps.

Let sit for five minutes to settle.

Repeat for all colors. Makes fifty cake pops.

"So, you going to Homecoming?" I asked casually, carefully watching the red food coloring drip into the plastic bowl.

Tucker looked at me, a little startled, before he went back to reading the directions. "Er, no, not yet."

"You have anyone in mind to ask?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

I nodded, as if I understood, then went back to mixing the cake pop icings. Talking to Tucker was easy at some points, yet incredibly difficult at others; sometimes he would loosen up and chat freely, yet he always seemed restrained, causing some awkward silences every few minutes. I felt like he was hiding something from the world, not just me, and I was getting curious as to what exactly he refused to talk about.

Maybe I should talk to Sam about why Tucker's so reserved, I thought, stealing another glance at his rugged profile.

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