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-dan's pov-
it was almost three
in the morning when
i received a message
on my phone.
straining my eyes due
to the blinding light
of the cellular device,
i unlocked it, going
straight to my texts.
there were three new
why was he texting now?
i thought he didn't need me.
he has pj right?
he's happy... right?
reluctantly, i opened the
messages, wincing as i
saw previous messages
that we had shared.
what had happened to us?
as i reminisced of happier
times, another message
came through.
from: phil
dan, please help me.
it's too much.
i stared blankly at the
text. he couldn't mean
what i thought he meant,
could he?
from: dan
where are you?
he couldn't be at the...
no, it was impossible.
phil couldn't possibly
be there.
i waited impatiently
for his next message;
praying that he was safe.
my heart almost stopped
as the reply came through,
the colour vanishing from
my face.

from: phil
the bridge.

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