[~Chapter 7~]

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Sam P.O.V

Finally its Friday! I have never been more happy for It to be Friday than ever, means I don't have to see Chan, unless Taurtis invites her over...ew. I went downstairs and saw a note on the door- "Sam, went to walk Chan to school~ don't be late! -Taurtis" well...at least I wont run into her at the store? I guess. Once I reach the school building the bel ringed, everyone was running to class, I was just taking my time because I'm tired from running from the house to here "Sam not here?" I heard Okami say around the corner "I'm here" "oh your late" I know" "fucking idiot" "shut up DOM" I hissed and he stayed quiet "ok you two knock it off" I just went to take my seat till I saw Chan sitting in my seat...what the fuck, I really didn't feel like cursing her out so I went to sit at an empty desk next to Invader, "hey Sam~" "shush Invader and leave me alone" "come on Sammy poo" "your dating Dom" "jealous?" "HAHA funny joke ever you should become a comedian" she crossed her arms in a mad way, I don't care...the only person I'm jealous of is Chan! she doesn't deserve Taurtis!. it was lunch time and J came up to me "ready to eat?" "I didn't buy food today" I can give you my Mountain Dew, I have extras" "THANK YOU!" "hey guys" Taurtis walked towards us "oh here I knew you'd be late so here's a carrot and a sandwich" he said handing me the stuff, I had a big smile on my face, I was happy he actually thought of me being late~ "thanks" he smiled back "shall we g-" "Taurtis!" Chan called from the other side of the classroom "what?" "lets go together" "no" me and J froze, that's the first time I ever heard him say no to her "why.." "I'm eating with my friends" he pulled us both away and the 3 of us walked to lunch together.

Taurtis P.O.V

"you brave fuck" J said "haha all I said was no" "but you never say no to her" "well...today I did!" Sam smiled, he looks really happy today, probably because he got food I'm not sure "Taurtis can we talk?" I turn and Chan looked a bit sad, oh god "sure..." I followed Chan than she stopped walking then turned towards me "I'm sorry for being clingy..you had the right to say no" "no no Chan its ok...just sometimes I want to hang out with my friends" I understand but you know how much I love you!" "yes" "ok...we good?" "..ya" she smiled and pulled me in for a kiss and walked away. When I came back to the table Sam was gone "where Sam go?" "he said he'll be back, he went to the nurse I think..he been sick lately" "ya..poor Sam". We finished our food and Sam came back "you okay?" "hm? oh ya my stomach just started hurting", we walked to gym "MAGGOTS TODAY IS A FREE DAY! GO OUTSIDE AND DO WHATEVER" "Taurtis come" Sam grabbed my hand and we both ran outside, his hands were soft, really soft..softer than Chan's I never realized that until now "race you around the track" "oh its so on!" "J can you count us down?" "alright in 3..2..1..GO!" me and Sam started running, we basically had the same speed until I almost tripped on my own foot, how does that happen?! Sam was far ahead, he's going to win so I pretended to trip and layed down on the grass "Sam wins" "yay!...Taurtis" I see him walking towards me "you sleeping?" "ya this grass is soooo comfortable" "really?" Sam layed down next to me "it is actually" "haha ya!".

We spent the whole gym free time laying down on the grass, it was relaxing and a bit quiet because you could hear everyone else playing on the playground, the bell ringed and I sat up to see Sam asleep, he looks like an innocent bunny, peaceful in sleep...what is up with me today! "hey Taurtis lets hand out today?" Chan asked walking towards me "sure, let me take Sam home first...meet you at your place" "okay" she walked away smiling, I picked up Sam and put him on my back, then started walking home. I finally arrived home, thank god Sam is super light in weight to carry, I went to our room and placed him on his bed, tucking him in his blanket than left another note next to Mr.Snugglemuffins on the shelf and started heading to Chans house.

Sam P.O.V

I woke up rubbing my eyes to see how I magically came from school to my room, I looked around to see a note- "text me when you awake so we can go out to eat, at Chans to do homework -Taurtis" I grabbed my phone and texted  Taurtis, than went to splash cold water on my face to fully wake up, my phone buzzed and Taurtis replied "good morning! ok I'll see you in 10 minutes" I smiled and went downstairs to play gamecrab until he came home. I heard the door close "hey" "how was homework" "so much work, ready to go?" "ya" I turned off the T.V and the gamecrab then headed out the house "where you want to go?" "the ramen place?" "sure". Once we arrived it was empty, nice "wolololo~ what can I get you" "sup pete...um ill have to normal chicken flavor, you?" "same but extra carrots" "ok! coming right up" we went and sat on the corner table in the back of the place "this place is better empty" Taurtis said messing with the napkins "haha ya.." "here you go!" We got out food and started eating, "you taking Chan out tomorrow?" "not sure, if not lets go out, 50% she'll be hanging out with all the girls for Silly's sleepover" "Yuki and Chan cant sleep together under the same roof" "haha ya that'd be bad" "well where you wanna go?" "um..oh lets watch a movie!" "good idea!".

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