Chapter 12- Abnegation Attack

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-----Cass's POV-----

I wake up to shuffling in the dorm. I think the stuff they injected us with was not a tracker but a serum to control everyone but the divergent.
I find Tris and go talk to her. "Do what everyone is doing. Or we will be caught and killed most likely. I will be right behind you."
We go in the pit and get guns. Then I see him. Eric.  Hopefully he does recognize me right now especially since I am divergent.
We make and walk to the train and get on. I stand next to Tris and Tobias.
"My parents we have to go find my parents." Tris whispers. Me and Four nod.

After we go check my parents house we get stopped by a dauntless leader, Max, and Eric. We end up with Tris pointing a gun at Eric. Eric pointing a gun at Four's head. Four is pointing a gun at Max's head. Max is pointing a gun at my head. I am pointing a gun at the dauntless's leader's head. Finally the dauntless leader is pointing a gun at Tris's head.
Eric then grabs Tris's gun and lowers it to the ground. Tris pulls the trigger it hits Eric's foot. Me and Four hit Max and the dauntless leader with the end of are guns.
"Run!" I yell. We all start to bolt. Me at the back at. I start to hear gun shots. I fell a sudden pain in both my shoulders. I fall to the ground. I see Four and Tris right next to me. I yell "Go! Leave!"
"No we aren't going anywhere." Four says calmly.
"Divergent rebels surrender your weapons." Eric says while standing on one foot.
Eric comes up and whispers in my ear. "Just trust me and do what they say."
We get taken to Jeanine. She just gets done talking with someone when we enter.
"Divergent rebels." One of the guards says.
"We all had trouble with your test results. But yours Cass we had the most trouble of all. Then almost all your fear simulations were deleted." Jeanine says.
"You can take Four here to the control room at dauntless. Take Cass to go redo her aptitude test. Then take her to Erudite. Finally you can get rid of Tris I don't need her anymore."

They make me take the aptitude test. Again I got all 5 factions. They take me off to a cell in Erudite. They do a bunch of tests on me. Then beat me. It hurts so much.
I hear the door slide open. I hear familiar footsteps. Eric.
"Cass get up. I am going to help you get out of here then you have to go to Amity. I heard Tris and Four are there. Come on. Get up." He leads me out of the building.
"Go to the train then go all the way to amity. I love you. I promise I will see you soon."
I start running then I hear gunshots. I feel a sudden pain in my stomach right below my ribs right before I jump on the train.

I get off a while later and started to head towards. I am at the edge of the fields. 
I yell "Help!" Then collapsed on the ground.
"Cass is that you." I hear a familiar voice call.
"Four is that you." I say. I see my vision going back at the edges. Then I see Four and Tris running towards me. Four picks me up and runs off. He doesn't get that far before I black out.

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