Second Date: Dinner at the Fury home

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It's been about two weeks since Randal and Annabelle had their first date. They've been talking more and more everyday. They send good morning and good night text messages to each other each other. They call each other late at night if they can't sleep. YA know teenage...whatever the fuck it is. Right now it's been a week since Randal and Annabelle last talked, Annabelle was out on a mission, well a vacation for her and a mission for Natasha, Clint and her father. Sadly there mission had no leads on HYDRA or anything close about them. Once she and her father arrive back home she changes into some sweats and flops down in her bed. She plugs in her phone and calls Randal hoping maybe he's still up at 2 in the morning.

"...hello?" A raspy Randal answered.

"Hey, it's me." Annabelle smiled.

"Oh, hey, you're back from your vacation." He smiled over the phone. Side note: Randal doesn't know about Annabelle being a badass agent for S.H.I.L.E.D.

"Yeah it was fun while it lasted."

"How's your leg? Still got the cast on?" Randal asked.

"Yeah, I got four weeks left then I'm free." Annabelle yawned.

"That's good, hey really quick before you go to sleep how would you feel dinner this week?" He asked softly.

"Sounds like another date."

"Because it is, I would really like to see you again." Annabelle places her hand on her stomach to calm down the butterflies.

"Well let me see if I'm not busy and I'll let you know in the morning."

"Alright, goodnight beautiful."

"Goodnight handsome."


It's Morning in the Fury home. Annabelle is awakened by the smell breakfast in bed cooked by her father. He has prepared waffles and biscuits.

"Wake up damn it!" Fury shouted with a smile. Annabelle rolls over.

"...Ohh food, please enter." Annabelle smiled. Fury walls in and sits the tray down on her bed. He sits down as well.

"How's your leg?" Fury asked.

"It's fine, shouldn't you be at work?" She yawned.

"Shouldn't you be talking to your second mouth?" Fury sassed. Annabelle gives her father a sassy look.

"He's still sleeping, what's your excuse?" She takes a bite of her waffle.

"I wanted to spend some time with my daughter today. Maria can handle herself." Fury takes a sip of his orange juice.

"Where's uncle?"

"He said he had to go take care of something, he'll be back later." Right as Annabelle takes another bite of her waffle he phone goes off. She glances over and it's Randal. "Is that him?" He asked.

"Yeah it is. I'll call him later."

"No answer it I wanna hear this." Fury smirked evilly.

"Okay, okay." Annabelle grabs her phone and answers Randal. "Morning Randal."

"Good Morning Annabelle, how are you?"  He yawned.

"I'm here with my dad eating breakfast. Kinda sweet actually."

"How cute, so about our date we were discussing?"

"Right date planning." Fury taps his daughter on her shoulder and motions for her to hand him the phone. Annabelle shrugs and passes the phone to her father.

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