39-We Discuss Insurance

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---> Annabeth's POV <----

During breakfast, Dumbledore made many grim announcements. He explained everything that had gone on: Dawn and Isabell being the murderers, the kidnapping of Susan Bones, Nyx taking control of Dawn, and the scary black mist in Ravenclaw Tower.

The Ravenclaws had made a full recovery, but they were still jumpy. Drew seemed fine too, just really mad about her makeup and hair. I suspected that she had dunked her dress in the lake or the baths or something, because it was soaking wet at the bottom.

Dumbledore told us that the DADA and Mythology classes were to be taken seriously so the students could learn how to defend themselves.

l stared around the room, making a note to pick out the most unattentive or misbehaved students so I could keep them in line. And also tell Percy to try to keep them in line. He tends to just let the pupils run wild.

Hermione was really upset about all the bad news. "I came back to Hogwarts so I could earn my N.E.W.T.S.! Don't tell me I have to wait another year until I can apply for a good job!"

Ron looked at Harry, "I don't think I want to come back another year. N.E.W.T.S. or no N.E.W.T.S."

"Me too," Harry said. "Unless defeating Voldemort isn't enough to get me a job as an Auror."

"What are you going to do, Neville?" Ron asked.

Neville looked shocked to be addressed, "Um, an Auror. Maybe."

"Oh," Ron said. "I'm sure you'll be great...I think."

Hermione shot Ron a withering look, "Of course Neville will be great. Why wouldn't he? Have you forgotten about how he killed Nagini?"

"Oh, of course not. I remember."

"Neville has been working hard to get our points up," Hermione said, taking out a textbook so she could read while she ate. "We are well below Slytherins at the moment."

"Because you refuse to cheat and give us a bunch of points," Ron mumbled.

"Ron, that's academic dishonesty," Hermione chided.

I glanced at the hourglasses. Miraculously, Slytherins had shot from zero emeralds to about four hundred. I suspected that the prefects and Heads were cheating. Gryffindor had about three hundred, and Ravenclaw was slowly creeping up with no one noticing. Hufflepuff, unfortunately, had only a hundred and fifty.

Poor Hufflepuffs. I decided to help the Hufflepuffs as much as I could. There was strength in underestimation.


In DADA, we had the students do stretches and exercises because aside from the Quidditch players, they were seriously behind in terms of strength and stamina.

Drew didn't show up, and Draco told me that she had stolen his broom and was currently setting trees on fire in the Dark Forest.

I facepalmed, "Jason, you'd better go keep an eye on her."

Jason brightened, excited by the notion of getting away from all the whiny children, "Sure, as long as Piper comes with me."

I waved them off, and went back to teaching the class.

"Butts down!" Percy yelled. "Proper push-ups people!"

"Are we going to be doing anything else?" Seamus whined. "This is boring."

"Next class is hexes," I told him. "And in a few weeks, if we deem you ready, we'll be teaching you how to use weapons."

The class snapped to attention. "Weapons?" Parvati asked. "As in...swords?"

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