[77]: Backstage Revelations

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**Thank you @KIMZAHRA for my lovely banner**

"What?" Lois gasped.

"Say that again." I reply quietly. Elliot had helped Tina?

"She asked me to take it, long story short she said one of your models had fallen on stage. You were changing them into their next outfits next to the stage whilst looking for a new model. She said she wanted to help and was asked by your teacher and needed your dress."

"And you believed her?" I say shocked and he nods glumly.

"She was so convincing. She honestly looked like she wanted to help you and she said everything so fast and all I heard was you needed help and a dress."

"But it was Tina Elliot. Why out of everyone would you give it her?"

"I wanted to help." He says sighing in defeat. "And she seemed to have changed over the last few weeks; I know you still weren't talking to her but Ash was and he was still her model tonight. I figured if he trusted her I could as well."

"Shit." Ash says cussing from behind me.

"It was all an act Elliot; we know she's behind some...maybe all of the xoxo stuff against Lydia. We just didn't want her to know we knew yet." He says sighing.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" he asks.

"Because I didn't know who else was behind it all. I didn't want to trust anyone."

"You thought I was behind all that xoxo shit?" he says and I shrug.

"Not the time to be going over that right now. I just need to know what happened with Tina. I'm speaking to Mrs Tudor as soon as she's off the stage."

"You best be telling us the truth Elliot?" Ash says angrily whilst gritting his teeth.

"I am, I swear. I wouldn't do this to you on purpose Lyd. You know me; I'm not a horrible person. I was just trying to help you."

"I know. Well there's nothing we can do to change it now, I just need to know exactly what happened."

"Okay...so she rushed over to me as I was leaving your pod after changing, she asked me to get the dress, specifically asked for the white and black sparkly one. Once I gave it her she ran off saying thanks for helping. Figuring I'd helped all I could, I went to sit next to Marcus to watch the last part of the show. This is what I came running over to tell you just now. Tina used your dress in her surprise dress sequence."


"I was sat there when her name was called out as the designer, some girl from college walked out in her first dress and then Rachel walked out onto the stage wearing your white and black sparkly dress. As soon as I saw her I knew I'd made a horrible mistake. I tried to get backstage again but they wouldn't let me until the set was over. That was just now when I found you."

"But Rachel isn't one of Tina's models tonight." Ash says and I shrug, I had no idea who she'd asked to model for her.

"Well Rachel modelled that dress of Lydia's for Tina."

"She's in on it as well." Lois gasps and I turn towards her. "The xoxo group, she must be. Since when have Tina and Rachel been pally?"

My head was spinning; this was way too much information to take in right now. All I knew was that I needed to speak to Mrs Tudor, the rest of it could wait until later. I wasn't having Tina take credit for my design tonight.

"I'm going to speak with Mrs Tudor once she's done. Elliot go with Lois and explain everything in detail to her, don't leave anything out. And Lo grab Ayla and G on the way, they'll need to know about this as well." I say and she nods, walking back to my pod with Elliot.

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