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I saw when the realization kicked in. The girl's eyes widened, and she slumped back into the chair. "What's your name?" I asked her. "P-Penelope. Penelope Finch. I'm an HR consultant here Mr. Manganiello." She said softly. "Joe. Just call me Joe. No need to be so formal Little one. Here, put this on." I handed her my flak vest. "But what about you?" She whispered and shook her head no. I growled and pulled her out of the chair, "I'm trained for this. You're not. Christ you're a tiny little thing." I rumbled and dropped down to one knee. I helped her into the vest and stood again. "I'm not!" She huffed and stomped her foot. I looked down at her and grinned. "That's adorable." I chuckled. "Come on, stay on my six. I'll keep you safe, I promise." I told her. She frowned. "What's a six? And why do I have to stay on it? I don't speak military!" She pouted. "I'm sorry honey, habit. Stay behind me at all times, alright?" I clarified. "Oh, ok. I can do that. Do I get a gun too?" She asked eyeing the Glock in my hand. "Can you shoot?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Then no, you don't get a gun." I said and chuckled. "Well what do I get for protection?" She pouted again. I grinned. "You can hold my hand. You've got a bullet proof vest. And you've got a heavily armed Marine who promises to keep you safe." I grinned smugly. "CEO my ass..." She whispered and stepped in close behind my back as we started down the hallway. I reached back and tugged her flush against me, her chest against my back. "When I move, you move. When I say something, do it. Don't question it, just trust me." I explained as we headed into the stairwell. She nodded quickly. "Got it." She whispered and clung to me a little tighter.

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