Chapter 1

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As Larten Crepsley walked out of the abandoned churchyard he caught the scent of something putrid like a rotting corpse.

Of course he was in a cemetery filled with dead rotting bodies, but this scent had another mixed in with it, it was the smell of something sweet, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

As he was thinking about it he caught a flash of purple out if the corner of his eye. When he turned to look it was gone just as fast as it came, but he paid it no mind and kept on walking.

As he was walking down the path he noticed that the sidewalk was clean and unweeded which was very unusual for an abandoned church that looked as if it were to crumble at any moment, and then he got the strangest feeling that he was being watched or perhaps hunted and it gave him the suspicion that he was not alone here.

Larten jumped when he heard a loud slam that sounded close, very close to where he was standing and froze as he heard a rather twisted laugh or was it a snarl? he couldn't tell but before he could even guess what it was he was tackled to the ground by something big and ended up on his back.

He had hit his head on a rock during the fall and was trying to regain his senses when he smelt the scent of death, decay, and that unidentifiable sweet smell but only ten times stronger.

Then all of a sudden he felt a sharp object lightly touch his very pale and very exposed neck, he felt it go down his throat then up to his long scar on the left side of his face and it traced it lightly then withdrew.

As Larten tried to make a move to sit up he then heard a sick laugh, and he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his torso which prohibited his movement and a pair of hands came out of the darkness and held his arms down so that he could not reach for his knives on the inside of his red cloak.

Then the person or "creature" bent down low so that Larten could see his face better. Even in the dark of night Larten could still make out the features of his attacker, and because of his vampire blood he could even see the color of the skin and to his dismay he realized that what on top of him was the blood cousins to the vampires, a Vampaneze.

The Churchyard, The Vampire, and The VampanezeWhere stories live. Discover now