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edited chapter

{K. M}

       "Why are we in Chicago?" Dakota wondered stepping out of the car and following him into his private storage unit.

       A trailer truck was backing in, unloading five mahogany caskets, their eyes glossy and void showing that they'd been compelled. "I thought you liked it here."

      "I don't like the place in particular, but the people have always had the richest blood."

      Klaus watched the men until they drive away. "You've never told me one of your famous murder stories."

      A sick smile twisted itself on Dakotas feminine features. "Lots of killing, lots of blood, lots of sex."

     "Please do tell."

     "There was this one time in 1350, I had travelled to this cute town in Georgia, all of the people were so soulful and welcoming. My husband at the time suggested we stay in town for a moment before we slaughtered them. Befriend the people and watch the confusion spark in their eyes as we drained the blood from their stupidly fragile bodies. We lived in Georgia for almost seven months until he left me, he just disappeared." Klaus watched as anger filled the females eyes before him. "I was so enraged that he left me all alone without any warning, so I killed them all. Everyone in the town, give or take a mother and child, because I had to have someone leave to tell the story."

The story flowed through his mind, the details sounding all to familiar to him. "What was your husbands name again?"


"Story time is over, let's go." Klaus abruptly ending the conversation, and returning to the hybrid business. "I need to go speak to my favorite witch."

"A hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender—"

"Stop." The witch cut him off, disregarding Klaus' offended look. But Dakota was positive that the only reason that he didn't backtalk the woman was because she was a witch and he had come to her for information, and in order to do so, he had to be in good graces with her. Witches were very judgy and they were very good and holding a grudge. "You're immortal, but that doesn't make you funny."

Dakota stepped from behind Klaus, the witch, Gloria's eyes widened at the face. "Dakota King, I never did think I'd see your face ever again." The two embraced in a warm hug.

"It's been a while since I've seen you last," Dakota acknowledged, pulling back to see how young the witch truly looked, knowing full well that magic paid a large part of that. "Though, I am quite sure you are much older than how you look."

Gloria nodded, a smile growing on her thin face. "Just some herbs and simple spells to help with the aging, but don't worry Ms. Dakota, it'll catch up to me."

"Stop with the formalities, I've known you since you could walk." Gloria smiled, remembering how Dakota used to watch over her while her mother wasn't around.

A deal she had made with a witch long ago, and Gloria was one of her past kids she had been asked to watch over. Once Gloria got old enough she was no longer needed and the children (that Gloria never had) would've been next in line. "What—"

"Don't ask," Dakota cut him off, and the witch stood behind to watch how the two interacted with one another. "—it's none of your business. Now ask her what to need to ask, while I help myself to a drink. If you don't mind Gloria."

"It's all yours sweetheart."

"Don't worry, I'll leave you a tip."

Dakota did what she said she would, grab a drink and sat at the bar pretending that she wasn't listening to their conversation. "What can I do for you?"

"It's not working. I turned them, and they all died. Now, I want to know why my hybrids can't survive the first two hours of their transformation."

The witch nodded, not wanting to help Klaus, but continuing because of an agreement they'd made with one another long ago. "Every spell has a loophole, but in order for me to get around this one, I need something that belonged to the witch that did this spell."

"The Original witch."

"Yes, I know. Get me Rebekah, she has what I need."

Klaus leaned back in the comfortable chairs that were placed neatly all over the empty bar. "Sorry, but Rebekah is in a bit of a compromising situation and I don't really think she'll be able to see you at the moment."

"Alright, then have fun making your hybrids."

Gloria began walking away from Klaus and to Dakota. "Fine, give me a moment and I'll retrieve her."

When Klaus stood, Dakota stood along with him. "Wait," The witch called out to the hybrid. "—can't Dakota stay here with me? So we can catch up?"

"No. I don't go anywhere without her. She's my lucky charm."

Dakota looked back at Gloria, rolling her eyes at his words. "Don't you worry your witchy little head, I'll be back before you know it." After she gave her friend a hug, Dakota put a wad of cash in her hand, a small note hidden within the thin stack of hundreds. Money she had accumulated and stolen throughout the years. "For the drinks."

"Just when I thought you were crazy enough, you do shit like this and you completely boggle my mind." Dakota admits looking down at the beautiful blonde laying in the casket.

In the middle of her chest was a elegant dagger, piercing straight through a flappers dress and her flesh. Dakota wasn't sure what her natural skin color was quite yet seeing as her skin itself was covered in ghastly grey veins, her heart not beating. "Yet you haven't left yet."

"Not like you would let me."

Klaus grinned at her answer, simultaneously pulling the dagger from Rebekah's heart. "It should take her at least an hour to awake. Do be careful, if you think my temper is bad, my little sister here definitely beats me in that particular category."

"She's very beautiful." Dakota comments, not lying as she takes in the very beautiful features of the younger Original vampire.

"Don't say that too loud, her ego is big enough."

Dakota scoffs. "Wonder where she gets that from."

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