Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

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Back in the throne room of the Great Goblin, dozens of goblins carry massive instruments of torture on their shoulders, bringing them to the Great Goblin. Meanwhile, the Great Goblin is dancing and singing lustily.

“Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung! You’ll be beaten and battered, from racks you’ll be hung. You will lie down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin-town.” He kept singing dancing slightly, if you count jumping from one foot to another dancing. All the dwarves besides Fili and Kili couldn't even look at Artemis. They were all horrified and disgusted. The daughter of Smaug.

Artemis kept looking over at the group with guilty and pleading eyes. Fili and Kili were scared for her. Thorin wouldn't even look up at her, as she slowly stop resisting against the chains and just let them push her around.

Grinnah, one of the goblins, is examining the weapons the dwarves brought with them. He picks up Thorin’s sword, Orcrist, and slides it a few inches out of its sheath. Recognizing the sword, he gasps in horror and throws down the sword. It lands in view of all the goblins. Recognizing it, the goblins howl in fear and rage as they retreat from it; the Great Goblin runs rapidly to his throne, trampling many goblins on his way. He speaks loudly, pointing at the sword.

“I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver, the Biter, the blade that sliced a thousand necks.”

As he speaks, Grinnah and the rest of the Goblins begin whipping the dwarves with ropes and leaping upon them, biting and slashing. Artemis started to grow angry and hurt as her hands clenched and fire sparked slightly with her growing anger.

“Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!” The Goblin King shouted, as that was the final straw. Goblins went to hold Thorin down, and one of them pulls out his knife and prepares to behead Thorin.

"NO!" Artemis screamed, as a fireball erupted from her hand, knocking down half of the goblins on the platform before she fell to her knees. The dwarves were shocked that she would try to help them, as her hand just had smoke rising from the gloves. The Goblins started to swarm the deck once again, holding her down as their started attacking the dwarves once more.

Suddenly, there is a massive explosion of bright light; the sound goes muted as a shockwave rips through the area, flinging goblins in the air and destroying the torturing machines. Everyone is knocked down, including the Great Goblin. When the force of the explosion has passed, most of the lights in the area have been snuffed out; in the background, a shadow with a tall pointy hat walks up. It is Gandalf, holding his staff and his sword, Glamdring. Light slowly returns to the area as the goblins and the dwarves slowly look up, recovering from the shock. They all stare at Gandalf.

“Take up arms. Fight. Fight!” Gandalf shouted, as Artemis grabbed her red blade, snapping her chains as she stood alongside the dwarves as they were all quickly getting up and beginning to start fighting the goblins. As goblins run at Gandalf, he kills them with his sword and staff. The Great Goblin, still lying on the ground, sees Gandalf’s sword and points at it, crying aloud to his goblins.

“He wields the Foe-Hammer, the Beater, bright as daylight!”

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