The Rules of Being a Best Friend

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I've never liked him. I've never even talked him before today. It's all Mr. Lester's fault, he sat me with my ex best friend and her crush. That's drama waiting to happen.
I mean I know the rules of being a best friend, or I at least know ours. Caroline and I created a list of five rules best friends should follow.

Best friend rules:
1. Never tell the others secrets
2. Never make fun of the other one
3. Always be there for each other
4. Share everything

Simple, easy, right? Wrong. The first four are fine we followed every last one of them. Well I did anyway.
It's five that's the problem. It's confusing. We didn't make it specific enough. I guess we didn't plan on it ever happening.
She likes bad boys...I thought that anyway. But I like good guys, the smart jocks, the ones going somewhere. But rule number 5 it changed everything.


Well I guess I broke a rule too. But are the rules still intacted? Do they count for ex best friends too? Are we even ex best friends or just in a really long fight?
I want too be her friend but i don't know. She hurt me, something she said she wouldn't do.
We were both on the bottom. Bullied and alone. Except we had each other, but not anymore. Suddenly she's on the top with all the girls that did and still do tease me.
There's a difference though. Now instead of five girls who hate me there's a six. Her name is Caroline and she knows all of my weaknesses.
She likes Zachary but there's a problem I like him too. So Maybe I should date Zachary. I like him. I may not be popular with the girls, but I can get a date.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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