Broke every promise you ever made

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Lilly's POV                                                                                             

Kacey and I woke up and decided to go wake Tony up. We jumped on his bed to get him to wake up. "You guys are excited." said Tony while smiling sleepily. Kacey and I laughed.

We went to the kitchen and made some coffee. After a few minutes, we decided to call the rest of PTV and see if they wanted to go ahead and come over. They said they'd be over in a few, so we decided to wait and open the presents when they get here.

About 20 minutes later the doorbell rang. I ran to the door to answer it. I had red and green glitter in my hands to throw on Jaime. When I opened the door I threw it at Jaime and yelled "MERRY CHRISTMAS". 

Jaime made a face when the glitter landed on him. I laughed and ran to Tony to use him as a human shield. 

Tony laughed and Jaime came running into the living room. "Well then no Lillys will be getting Christmas presents from me." Jaime said.  "NOOO IM SORRY!!" I yelled and jumped out from behind Tony. Mike and Vic came and held me so Jaime could tickle me.

I couldn't help laughing. Kacey walked into the room and started cracking up. "HELP ME BABE!!"  I yelled. He just stood there laughing. 

The guys finally stopped. Kacey walked over to me and hugged me. We slowly made our way into the living room to open presents. I made all of the guys open their presents from me first. 

They all loved them. I ended up with some of the best presents ever. Kacey got me a really nice ring, Tony got me a really nice acoustic guitar, Vic got me some movies and some money so he could take me shopping, Jaime got me a bass so he could teach me how to play, and Mike got me all of the Harry Potter movies and books. 

I laughed when I opened my second gift from Kacey, he got me a princess tiara. Kacey took it from my hands and put it on my head. I smiled and all the guys laughed and there was several "awws". 

We continued hanging out and talking for hours. I was starting to get tired so I decided to go up stairs and shower. I checked my phone while I was up there and saw a bunch of messages saying "Go Kill yourself". 

Id been getting these a lot lately and I can't take much more. I went into my bathroom and searched for my hidden blade. Minutes after looking I found it. Cut after cut. Continuing to get deeper. 

I lost count after 13. I started losing conciseness when Tony knocked on the door. I didnt answer and  he knew something was up. He knocked down the door and almost immediately yelled "SOMEONE CALL 911!!!".

He picked me up and ran downstairs. The last thing I remember is seeing the look on Tony's face when he saw me.

Tony's POV

Lil had been in the bathroom for a while, so I decided to go check on her. She didnt answer when I knocked so I busted my way in. She was on the floor covered in blood. Almost immediately I yelled "SOMEONE CALL 911!!!!!". I picked her up and ran downstairs, she was already out cold.

When the ambulance got there, I begged them to let me ride in the ambulance with them. On the way to the hospital it was touch and go. As soon as we got to the hospital they rushed her to surgery. Lil had cut so deep she cut a muscle.

A few hours later she was out of surgery and we could go see her. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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