We meet

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When I was younger every Sunday my mom would straighten my wavy blonde hair, put me in a dress and send me to church. I didn't exactly agree with everything the church preached so I didn't retain a lot of the information. But one thing I had kept with me through my life is that everything that has happened, will happen or is happening now is already set in stone. Even if you aren't Christian or don't believe in any religion most people believe that everything is predestined.

So even now even though I was 21, even though I have barely touched my hair in the last decade, and even though I had many different sets of beliefs I still believed that everything was predestined. But that all changed one Saturday night when I met someone who would change everything. I was sitting in a booth at my favorite diner in Northern Tallahassee drinking coffee when the bell jingled signifying that a new customer had entered the diner.

It was unusual for anyone to be in here this late, I was only here because I had a test to
study for and I need something to keep me awake. Other than me there was a older guy at the counter and a teenage girl in the corner. But then she walked in. She was nothing like anybody I had seen before, she had a choppy fringe and the rest of her hair was cut short in the back and sides. It was pink like cotton candy pink which went perfectly with her grayish hazel eyes. Her skin was light but had a hint of tan but not the spray on tan or like I spend way to much time in the sun tan but like natural beautiful tan almost like a radiant glow. She was wearing combat boots, black ripped skinny jeans, a gray crop top, and a leather jacket.

She strode up to me and sat down across from me. "Is this seat taken," she asked.

"Well I suppose it is now," I replied. She looked around the diner paying close attention to everyone and then laid eyes on me. She leaned across the table and looked me dead in the eyes.

"You seem trustworthy, so I need some help with something," she said.

"Shouldn't we introduce ourselves before I do anything for you," I questioned.

"No we shouldn't because I'm not sharing my life story with some random person I just met."

"Not asking for a life story just a name would be nice."

"Yeah I bet it would be but names only lead to an abundance of questions that I don't have time to answer," she leaned in and started to whisper." I can't tell you what to do but I suggest you and the teenage girl over there get of here soon." After saying that she spun around and ran right into a waitress that was carrying a coffee pot to refill my coffee. Coffee spilled all the way down the front of her shirt and jeans.

"Oh sorry, I'm really sorry please let me help clean you up," the waitress said.

"Yeah that's the least you could do just one moment," she turned back around to me and started to whisper again." I'll give you one minute." The waitress walked her to the bathroom. I jumped up and walked to where the girl was sitting. Why was I even listening to this person, I thought. She had given me no reason to do so but yet and still I was doing it.

"Hey there's this party that's going on but I don't want to go alone," I said.

"Like a college party," she asked.

"Yeah come with me it'll be tons of fun," I ushered her to her feet and toward the door." My names Kelsey by the way."

"I'm Ava," she said as we crossed through the threshold that was the door. We were halfway down the street and Ava was telling me her life story when I heard a series of bangs from the diner. I don't think Ava noticed it and I tried to ignore it but after a rather loud bang I turned around. I turned just in time to see the girl being thrown against the glass window which caused it to crack drastically, she sat there for a moment but then got back to her feet and climb to the next table. She pulled something out of her pocket, it looked like a pen but was glowing at the top, she jumped of the table and touched each of the people in the diner and they collapsed on the floor. She looked around to see if she had gotten everybody in the diner and then her eyes were on the window when she saw me staring she smiled a devilish smile and waved.

I kept walking with Ava until it was time to break the news to her that there wasn't a party tonight and even if there was I wouldn't know about it because I wasn't exactly a party girl. She stormed off and I walked back home. This night has completely drained me of all my energy and when I got into bed I was fast asleep.

It All Started With CoffeeWhere stories live. Discover now