Chapter 71...

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“(yourname) SCOTTY’S HERE!” you heard your mom call from downstairs. Closing your book, you looked over at your clock, ‘7:25 pm’ it read. “well that boys early” you said, climbing off your bed and heading out of your room.

Reaching the end of the hallway, you looked over the banister and found Scotty standing there, facing towards the stairs, backpack slung around his shoulder. “come on up, Scotty Mac” you called down. Hearing your voice, he looked up and found you standing there, slightly leaning over the banister. Without hesitation, he jogged up the stairs, and was standing a few feet away from you in a matter of seconds.

“ready to hit to hit the books?” he asked, as you both walked into your room “not really, can we just watch tv instead?” you asked, jumping onto your bed “sounds good to me” he said, pulling his books out of his bag and placing them all over your bed “i thought we were going to watch tv?” you asked “we are, it’s just i told my parents i was over here to do homework, and thats what your parents think too, so we gotta make it look like were actually working” he laughed. “oh, smart idea” you said, scootching over, he sat down on the bed next to you, as you began to flick through channel after channel.

“so, what do you think about Clara?” Scotty suddenly asked, after a few minutes of silence “well, from what i know, she seems nice” you said, smiling at him for a second, then looking back towards the tv screen  “why?” you asked, out of curiosity “well, i was texting her and she thinks your very sweet” he said, smile upon his face “you texted her today? you haven’t texted me at all today Scotty, i am appalled” you said in fake shock “i texted you this morning, so youre lying” he said, crossing his arms and glaring at you “that does not count, if you didn’t text me this morning i wouldve fell asleep, so you just texted me to wake me up, so what now” you said, sticking your tongue out at him. “your a pain, thats what” he laughed “oh, but you know you love me” you said, elbowing him in the side. He opened his mouth to say something, but then snapped it shut. “what, cat got your tongue?” you joked “no, but a girl has my heart” he said, starring at you, with meaningful eyes. Starring at him in shock, you had no clue what to say, it was as if an ice age just took over your whole body. “you know what, i do need help on this english essay, can you help me?” you asked, once you had your body under control again, and grabbed the book closest too you. “sure, but i don’t think a math book would help much” he said with a smirk “right… i left my bag downstairs, let me go get it real quick” you said standing up on your bed and quickly jumping over Scotty and landing on the floor. You ran out of the room before he could even reply.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you began to look around for your back pack, but it was no where in sight. “honey, what are you looking for?” your mom had asked, as she walked in from the kitchen “my back pack” you said lifting the pillows up from off the couch, but nothing was behind them. “you took it upstairs with you, remember?” she asked “oh, yeah” you said, hitting yourself in the head with your hand, as you had just remembered and you quickly made a run for the stairs.

Slowly you made your way down the hall way, running your fingers through your hair the whole way back to your room. Grabbing your door knob, you quickly twisted it in your hand and pushed opened the door.

Stepping into the room, you found Scotty still laying in the same spot he was before with notebook and pencil in hand as he scrawled something across the page. Hearing you walk into the room, he looked up at you, grin spreading across his face “you know your bag is over there?” he asked, pointing to the corner of the room “yeah, i just remembered” you said, quickly walking over to the corner and picking it up.

“catch” you said, turning around quickly and tossing it to him. He caught it easily and set it by him on the bed “those baseball skills seriously pay off, don’t they?” you asked, climbing back onto the bed “sure do” he said continuing to write.

Nothing More Than This // Scotty McCreeryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن