take away?

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-What's the problem? -asked the doctor.
-Ohm... Nothing... I think you know that we are both famous, so if someone knows it, the whole world will know it... -I said
-So, you want us to take your baby away? -asked the doctor with scared face.
-Ohm... I don't know... Maybe...
-Clari! Why? No! You can't do this! -shouted Diego.
-Sorry, I don't know... Maybe... I'm so sorry -I said and looked at him sadly.
-Okay, let me say something. So, I'll give you one day you think out your answer. Tomorrow you'll come back and tell me your choice. -said my doctor and looked seriously.
-Okay, thank you. Bye.
While going home Diego didn't talk to me. I felt awkward and I didn't know what to say. But he wasn't angry, he was sad, as sad as I've never seen him before. When we got home he sat in the living room and watched TV, I was in our room with Vicente. I was thinking about the doctor's idea.
In the afternoon I went out to the living room to Diego.
-Can we talk now? -I asked.
He shook his head.
-Please! It's important! -I said and looked at him sadly.
He looked at me and waited.
-Okay, so please believe me I didn't say what I said because I don't want to have a baby, it was my dream. But if people get know it, all of them will say negative things about us and our baby and I don't want it. -I said.
-But we can't let people judge us because of our love and because we want to live a normal life and if we let them they'll do this forever. -said Diego and looked at me seriously.
-You're right! I'm so sorry for saying that things at the doctor, I'm only scared! -I said and lied at him, my head was on his legs and I looked up to him.
-I know it's hard, but I'll be there for you forever. Don't let people ruin your happiness and don't let them make you take your baby away. If you want to be happy, live a happy life with Your choices, not other's. -said Diego and stroked my head.
-True, I won't let people do this with me. I want to see our princess or prince grow up. I won't let anyone take her or him away from me, from us -I said and see the happiness in his eyes.
I sat up, he hugged me and suddenly we kisses. After it we went walking in the snow. It was very romantic.
-What do you think? Will it be a girl or a boy? -asked Diego.
-I don't care, I only want her or him to be healthy -I answered but he laughed.
-Okay, but girl or boy? Now you must choose . -he laughed.
-Then a girl, I don't know why. -I said and asked back.
-And you?
-Girl -and we laughed together.
It was too cold so we went home and went to sleep. On the morning Diego went away because he gave an interview in a tv show. I was thinking about what to say to the doctor...
When I got to there and he said my name I was shocked because in that moment I saw photographers who were looking after me so I ran in the doctor's room.
-So, how did you decide? -he asked.
-Yesterday we had a little fight because of it but finally Diego won. We want to keep her or him, I'm sure in it. -I smiled.
-That's good, I'm so happy for your choice.
-Me too -I laughed- but now I must go, bye.
I went home and when I got home I saw pictures of me in the hospital in fron of the room of my doctor. Everyone wrote:'What happened to her?' 'Clara Alonso is pregnant?' Suddenly I got a message from Alba: 'We know your secret!'

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