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"Hey Taylor," Michael greeted me in the elevator Friday morning as usual.

"Hey Michael," I said, pressing the button for both my level and his.

"Are you and Luke coming tonight?" he asked.

"Yes, I talked to Luke last night and he said he'd come along."

"Cool." Michael smiled and the elevator opened for his floor. "I'll see you tonight."

I waved at him as he walked down the hall to his floor and I went up to my own office.

Unfortunately the work day went by slow and I was tired already but I knew I couldn't just skip out on the party. I just told Michael I would be there and I didn't need Luke or Ashton worrying about me.

I went right home from work to make a quick light dinner for Luke and I before leaving.

"Is Ashton going to be at Michael's party tonight?" Luke asked as he took a bite of his dinner.

"Yes," I said. "I wonder what's so important about this one that Michael emphasized people coming to it."

"Maybe he's having a going away party or something," he said. "And he's announcing that he's leaving to everyone tonight."

"Um, hopefully not." I rolled my eyes. Luke seemed to be in an annoying mood already.

"I'm just throwing some options out there," he shrugged.

It didn't take me long to finish my food and I left the kitchen to get ready. Luke and his annoying ass can clean up the kitchen.

I took a few minutes deciding on what to wear, eventually picking a classy looking blue dress. I spent a little extra time on my appearance since I put minimal effort into it this morning for work.

Luke of course didn't take long to get ready at all and before long we were leaving.

"I should have a car by next week," Luke informed me as we sat in the backseat of a taxi, not wanting to walk in the cold. This reminded me of another thing that slipped my mind during the week.

"Good," I said. "Hopefully we won't have to deal with all this public transportation shit anymore."

It didn't take too long to get to Michael's house since he didn't live too far from us. As soon as we walked up to the door we were greeted by a smiling Julie in a cute purple dress.

"Taylor! Luke! Its so nice to see you guys again," Julie hugged both of us, letting us inside and shutting the door to keep the cold out.

"Michael is in the kitchen, he's so glad you guys were able to make it tonight," Julie said, leading us into the kitchen where a few other guests were standing and talking.

"Hey, you guys made it!" Michael smiled at us as he wrapped his arm around Julie's waist and waved a hello to us. He leaned in and kissed Julie's head affectionately.

"I told you we'd be here," I smiled, Julie walking in with a couple glasses for Luke and I.

"Would you guys like some wine?" she asked.

"Oh, no thank you. I don't drink wine," I smiled, politely refusing.

"Oh okay, we have some champagne if you'd like," she offered.

"I think I'll just stick with water for now," I smiled. "But thank you."

"Any for you Luke?"

"No thanks, I don't think I'm gonna drink tonight," he blushed.

Runaway - Ashton Irwin *completed*Where stories live. Discover now