Chapter 16

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"So where is she?", asked Mini. "Who?", John asked. "Neve my daughter", she snapped. "Our daughter you mean", John said. "Yes now where is she?", she asked again.

"She isn't here shes at my mates house", John said sternly.  "Why do you want to see her after all these years you had a chance to come see her at the Wilson's house and you didn't even make an effort to come see her", John snapped.

Mini frowned but didn't say anything. It's true that she didn't even care about her daughter. So why was she so interested in seeing her now?

"I was busy", she bluttered out. "Busy? Busy doing what? Drinking? Going with a different guy every week?", John argued. Mini ignored his comment as it was probably true. She looked over to the couch to see Clara sitting there. "Who's this?", she asked. "This is Clara, my girlfriend", he said.

Clara kept quiet she wasn't really interested in getting involved and she could already tell that Mini was bad news. "I want to see my daughter John. I will come back sometime next week", she snapped and slammed the door.

John sighed and sat back down on the couch. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He looked over to Clara who was awkwardly playing with her nails lost of words. "Clara I'm sorry you didn't have to see that, I had no idea she was coming", John said. Clara leant into John. "Its okay John , its not your fault", Clara said.

He placed a soft kiss on Clara's lips causing her to kiss back. He brushed his tongue along Clara's bottom lip asking for entrance which she happily allowed. He place his hands on Clara's waist as her arms swung round his neck. The kissing started to get more heated and he moved his mouth to Clara's neck leaving all kind of marks causing her to let out small moans.

"I love you Clara Oswald", he whispered into her ear. Making her smile. "I love you too", she whispered back.

He his mouth made it back to hers again and his hands were now tangled in amongst her hair. Hers the same to his.

They made their way to John's bedroom stumbling onto the bed.

John hovered over Clara kissing her neck once again. Clara knew what she wanted and she was ready. She started to unbotton John's shirt shrugging it off so that he was topless. He did the same to Clara.

"Clara", he whispered. Clara shut him up by kissing him again. "Clara if you want to stop please say it", he said making sure because he didn't want hurt her not ever. "I know", she grinned and kissed him again.


John woke up seeing Clara curled up next to him fast asleep. He looked at his phone seeing the time was 11.30.

He got himself out of bed trying not to wake up Clara. He shoved his house coat and made his way to the kitchen and started on breakfast.

Clara's woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. She got up and put one of John's hoodies on, she loved his hoodies as they were over sized and smelt amazing.

"Ah your awake", he smirked hugging her and kissing her lips. "Yep", she smiled.

They sat down accross from eachother and made a start on breakfast. "So do you think she will be back then?", asked Clara. "Oh she'll be back", John said. "Will she like take Neve away?", asked Clara. "Doubt the social workers would let her, I mean she never came to see her once while she was in foster care and I tried to come see her as much as I could", said John.

"Do you think you will be coming back to the school anytime soon?", asked Clara. John sighed. "I'm not sure, I do miss it though. So hopefully soon", John smiled.

Later John and Clara went to get ready. Clara had brought clothes because she said to her dad she was staying with Lily.

John put his red polo shirt on with black jeans and red converse. Clara slipped on her green polk-a-dot dress with white peter pan collar.

Then like a few hours later Neve came running through the door jumping into John's arms. "Hiya munchkin", he smiled. "Hi daddy", she smiled and then she went to see Clara.

"Was she good for you?", John asked Richard. "Yep good as gold, we sat and watched The Hobbit movies last night then she fell asleep. So it went well", he smiled. "Ah good well thanks for watching her Richard", said John. "No bother mate", said Richard.

"Tea?", John asked. "Sure thanks", said Richard. "Tea Clara?"
"Yes please", said Clara.

Richard went in to talk to John while Clara sat playing with Neve. "Did you enjoy your sleep over at Richard's?", Clara asked. "Yes it was really fun we watched the Hobbit", she smiled.

"Richard we need to talk", said John flicking the switch on the kettle.
"Yeah whats up?", asked Richard handing John the sugar. "Mini came over lastnight saying she wanted to see Neve, I said she wasn't home but she said she would be back next week", said John.

"Well isn't that a good thing I mean she is her mother John",  said Richard. "No Mini's different she just likes to go out and get drunk and I don't exactly want her to come into my life again", said John.

"Thankyou Clara",smiled Neve as she looked in the mirror at the plete Clara put in her hair.

John and Richard came back through and handed Clara the tea. "Daddy look what Clara did", smiled Neve. "Thats very pretty", said John.

"Well I'm off John", said Richard. "Bye uncle Richard", said Neve hugging him. "Bye shorty", he said. "See ya mate", said John. "See you later", smiled Clara. "See ya", Richard replied and shut the door.

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