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Once she uploaded it to her channel, we went down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I stood on the counter and got a jar of Nutella and 2 spoons.

I passes kitty one of the spoons and we walked into the lounge.

"HI GUYZ!" I shouted which scared the shit out of dan and phil.

Me and kitty sat on the couch and shared the Nutella.

dan and phil were on their laptops so I decided to put Netflix on.

"What'd ya wanna watch?" I asked kitty.

"Black butler.....?" She said hopefully.

"Sure!" I cheered and put it on. "What episode are you on?"

"Only 5... My Netflix membership ran out just when I started watching it" (A/N: this actually happened to me)

I put on ep5 and we watched all the way upto ep14 but then dan and phil suggested we ordered some food.

"Chinese or pizza?" Dan said getting his phone out.

"Pizza!" Me and kitty both sang in a sync.
Phil just looked at us.
I smiled back at him.

-le time skip-

The pizza had arrive and me and kitty had changed into our onsies. Mine being stitch from lilo and stitch and hers being a really kawaii cat.

We ate our pizza in peace and just relaxed.

Soon after, it was 1:39 in morning and kitty began to yawn (a/n: when i wrote this line, a notification came up saying 'Kittywithnoname has updated' and I was like 'omfg')

"Dan, phil, me and kitty are gonna go get some rest." I said getting up with kitty following me.

"Okay, goodnight kitty, blue" phil said as we left.

We soon arrived to my room and I lied on my bed.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Kitty asked, still standing. I patted the spot next to me.

"Here." Was all I said. She lay down next to me and we both stayed silent.

"Hey, blue?" Kitty said out of the blue.... (A/N: i'v only just noticed)

"Yus" I replied.

"I like you."


"I like you... As in like, like you."


"Do you mind?"



"Because I like, like you too."

-hey ma kawaii pineapples, I know it's only short but it's currently 23:25pm in London and I have a test tomorrow... YAY! *silently crys*

Expect updates tomorrow! Bai-

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