Chapter 42 - Back From Tour

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Chapter 42 - Back From Tour

Justin POV 

I can't believe today is the last show of the tour and right now I'm in Los Angeles. People already found out that me and Jenny broke up. I really miss her. Kissing Selena was a mistake. I'm single right now but me and Selena have went out on a few dates together. I wish Jenny is here. I have an idea. I found Kenny and told him my idea. He nodded and left. I hope my plan works.

Jenny POV 

Ever since Justin and I broke up, I've been single and been writing more songs. When Nerdies and Beliebers found out that Justin and I broke up, there was a huge fight on Twitter who broke who's heart. It lasted for 2 weeks until Justin and I told them we just broke up because of the tour. You may know what day it is. It's the day Justin is in LA and it's his last concert. I heard rumors that him and Selena have been on dates. I heard the door bell ring so I went to open it. I just came back home from school so I wasn't far from the door. I open the door to see Kenny.

"Hey Kenny what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Justin want you to come to his concert tonight." Kenny said. It is a Friday night and I have nothing plan.

"Tell Justin I'll text him my answer but if I go I'm bring a friend or 2." I said.

"Okay, just go backstage when you're there. The guards know who you are because of Justin and I'll let them know you'll have someone with you." Kenny said.

"Bye Kenny." I said.

"Bye Jenny." Kenny said. 

I close the door and went to my room. Cody turn 16 and is able to drive I think I'll drag him to go along with Alli. I climb out my window onto Cody's balcony. I open the door and went to Alli's door. I knock on it.

"COME IN AND HELP ME." I heard Alli scream. I walk in to see Alli on Cody's shoulder spinning her around.

"Alli I don't know what to do. Justin invite me to go to his concert tonight. Part of me says yes and the other says no. Help me." I said.

"Just go to his concert. I know he kiss Selena but he doesn't mean you two could be friends." Alli said.

"Thank you, also you and Cody are coming along." I said. I pull out my phone and texted to Justin.

Me: I'm going to your concert tonight but I'm bring Cody and Alli with me

Couple minutes later my phone start vibrating and I saw it was a text from Justin

Justin: That's fine I'll see you there  

I put my phone away.

"So how should I dress. I don't want to dress up really nice saying I want him back or anything." I said. "Just come with me to your room." Alli said. We went in my room.

"I'll pick out your clothes and you go shower." Alli said.

I nodded. I went in the shower and did my business. When I was done Alli gave me my clothes. I was wearing a light purple strapless dress, a black blazer, black wedges, and a light purple snap back.

"So how do I look?" I ask. "You look fine and now stop worrying." Alli said.

"Alli I'm just scared that if I take him back he will break my heart. Half of me wants him back and the other half not so much. You know he is my first boyfriend so it's go to be hard on me." I said.

"Come on I have to change too." Alli said.

We went to Alli's room and I waited for her to change and stuff. I went in Cody's room to see if he was ready. I knock on his door.

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