Chapter Eleven - A Big Happy Family

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Okay guyssss. I know these chapters can get a little boring. I just have a lot of writers block. I WILL write a epic chapter soon.

-Adrenaline Revolver

I run into Grace's room. She's still asleep, surprisingly. I jump behind her bed and Mikey is still searching for me. I crawl under it, and hold my breath. I can see his feet move. He walks out of the room and a head pops out. Grace.

"Watcha doooooing?" She says.

"Hiding from Kobra. Now shush!" I pull her under with me.

"Why?" She whispers.

"You'll see."

Mikey walks back in. We hold our breath, and then he runs to the bed and jumps on it. I muffle my scream, because the bed dips and a spring catches a piece of my hair. Same with Grace, but she doesn't scream. Another set of feet come in. Black boots this time, not bare feet. Who is it?

"Adreeennn. Come out come out wherever you aree!"


I scramble out from under the bed and jump into Party's arms. He's alive! And right here! He holds me in his arms and spins me around. I hear Grace squeak because of the pain of her hair, and she hugs mine and Party's legs.

"Party! You're alive!" I pull away and look at him.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"

I shrug and hug him again. Mikey wraps his arms around me and pulls me towards him. I fight back, but he's too strong. He pulls me over his shoulder and runs around the whole diner, getting payback.


"Nope!" He laughs and stops in the middle of the place.

I see Party laughing, and a guy with a dark afro is laughing too. I glare at them. Mikey finally puts me down, and I smack him on the head. He tries to kiss me but I reject and walk to the Fro guy and Party.

"Adren, this is Jet Star. Jet Star, this is our new addition Adrenaline Revolver. Or Adren," Party introduces us.

"Nice to meet you!" He sticks out his hand.

I shake it and smile. "Same! Sooo what do I call you? Jet? Or Star?"

"Ray. It's my real name."

"Ohh. Well hi!"

He laughs at me. Frank comes in and sees Ray. He runs and jumps on Ray, causing him to almost fall.



I laugh and someone puts their hand on my shoulder. Kaylina. I hug my sister. I'm so glad I have her back!

"So, you and Frank..." I start.

"Yep! We're together!"

Frank walks over and kisses Kaylina. I feel a little left out, really. Where's Mikey? As soon as I think, he dips me down and kisses me. I hear a lot of whoops and whistles in the room. I smile to myself. He really does love me.

He releases me and puts a arm around my waist. I blush a little. I mean, everyone's staring at us! Out of embarrassment I laugh.

"We're all a big happy family!" Grace says.

"Hell yeah!" Says Ray.

We're all pulled into a huge group hug. A big happy family. I've never really had one. But now, I do.

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