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Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Naruto. Sorry for not posting in a while but I had writers block. FORGIVE ME! I had no ideas at all. Now without further ado, on with the story.


*Hokage's Office*

"Team One." Said the Hokage in a no nonsense tone. "Mizuki, one of the teachers at the acadamy, has stolen the Scroll of Seals."

"M-Mizuki?" Asked Hinata.

"Yes. For its importance I will make this a B-Rank mission.

Anko gasped.

"For real? Is it because we have Roxas as our captain?"


I turned to face Haku.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked.

"I'm ready for anything Master."

"Master, eh?" Sarutobi said with a perverted grin.

"Shut it." I said.

"Yeah, whatever let's go!" Anko exclaimed.



'Too easy.' Mizuki thought while dashing through the forest.

"You will pay for this treachery..." Whispered a voice.

"W-Who's there! Come out coward!"

"I'm right behind you."

A glove encased fist flew to my head. I tripped painfully on a tree root. I backfliped to a tree griping my side.

"Who are you bastard! Do you know who I am!"

"A dead man." Said the voice.

A snake launched itself at me biting my cheek.

"Ahhhhhh! Shit!"

As I fell to the ground I could feel the poison running in my veins. I couldn't move. I was paralyzed.

"F-Fuck you bastard." I stuttered. I couldn't even speak without stuttering.



Mizuki started to twitch violently. Hinata walked up to pick up the scroll.

"M-Mission A-Accomplished." She said.

"Wh-What did you d-do." Mizuki said obviously in pain.

"The venom coursing through your veins will kill you slowly and painfully while rotting your body from the inside." Said Anko.

"Nooo! I won't die here! Lord Orochimaru gave me the Curse Mark!" Mizuki started to transform. "With this power I am invinci-" He started to hack up blood and his body began to rot.

"Nnnggrahh!" Then he slumped to the floor dead.

"Let's report back to the Hokage."


*Hokage Office*

"Lord Hokage we have returned from our B-Ranked mission. As it turned out, Mizuki was a spy for Orochimaru."

Iruka looked shocked by the news and decided to say something.

"What? That's not possible! He...He was my friend. He was-"

"A sleeper agent. Hiruzen, calm your subordinate. I have information on Orochimaru."

The Hokage was surprised.

"Iruka, Team One please leave the room.

Iruka left and my team started to leave as well.

"With all due respect sir, I think it would be best if my team stayed and hears what I have to say."

He was quiet for a moment.


"Orochimaru has another spy within Konoha. His name is Kabuto Yakushi."

"You mean the adopted son of a famous doctor?"

"Yes, now try not to interrupt."

"Uh, sorry."

"As I was saying Kabuto is a spy. Also while in the Forest of Death, during the Chunin Exams, Orochimaru under the guise of a Kusa ninja, will attack Kakashi's team in order to give Sasuke the Curse Mark. Then during the Final Chunin Exams Orochimaru will be under the guise as the Kazekage. Sauske will fight Garra and the the invasion against Konoha begins. He will trap you in a purple force field with himself. He has five bodyguards. Four will come to the Exams. If Sasuke receives the Curse Mark he will leave Konoha with the bodyguards after the invasion. When a team is sent to retrieve him, the fifth bodyguard will appear. His name is Kimimaro Kaguya. The last of his clan. Even though he has a disease he is not to be underestimated."

Hiruzen gave me a hard glare. even though it didn't affect me.

"And how do you know all this information?"

"I'd tell you...but you'd question your own existence."

I walked out to go to my apartment. I knew they didn't understand why I said that but I wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

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