Stuff No. 90

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Kogie studied Philosophy in Univerisity.


HEY READERS! Now we are up to Stuff No. 90, I will announce what the next book's title is and what it will be about! The next book's title will be....

A Stalker's Guide To The Modern Media!

It will include stuff about Area 11, The Yogscast, Jacksepticeye, Twenty One Pilots, Ghost Cassette, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Oli White, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood and so much more! It will about the modern media so unusual or unheard of bands (I fight Dragons, Area 11 etc.), anime and youtubers so I hope you are all looking forward to it!

Question Of The Day!

Would you rather go out with or be related to someone in Area 11?

I would rather be related to Sparkles*.

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