Tutor Me ...not

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The reflection of light in Liam's eyes make it look as blue as the Caribbean Sea.

Liam is the school's new transfer.I have never interacted with him(except for him bumping into hime because that is how skillful I am). He seems a but like a lone wolf  but I will open up to him.Truth be told I imagine him being a bit nerdy with a British accent.

I am currently in math class but I don't really need to pay attention to class.I ace the test everytime.


What who what?

I looked up and saw Mr.Robin looking at me.Why do some teachers have to be so annoying sometimes?

I quickly scanned the board to se the possible reason why he was calling me for.They are currenly at number ten on the board.

"Please state the answer and explain how you came to they conclusion."

"Well eight multiplied by negative x will equal to negative eight x and don't forget to distribute the other numbers and if you take away the answer of that some of numbers from forty you will get an answer of negative five."I stated smiling.

Everyone stared at me like I was an alien who was dancing gangam style.

"No actually if you subtract the sum of those numbers from you should get 56."Mr.Robin just popped my bubble.

I looked at the equation on the board again and still got the same answer so I gave him the confused look,even though I know that I am right.

"Sir if you subtract the set of numbers and divide the rest you should get thirty."Liam stated.Phtt.What does he know about math?

I saw sir look down at his notepad."Liam you are correct."
Wait what?

The bell rang signalling is to go to our next class.As I was getting up to leave Mr.Robin stopped me.
"Ms.Canters I have been observing your grades and they have dropped and so I am assigning you to have a tutor."

"Wait what I am perfectly fine at math you are the on who got your own question wrong."my hands were heating up my veigns were visible.

Liam stared at me with his green-blue eyes and I immediately cooled down.

"Everyone makes mistakes however you made alot of mistakes in your tests so I have assinged Liam to be your tutor.If you don't accept my offer peacefully then you will have to attend Summer School."Mr.Robin smirked.

"Okay whatever."I muttered.
"What was that ?"Liam probed me."I.Said.Okay!"I yelled. A smirk was plastered on his face.

"Well see you on Thuuuurrrssddaay?"Liam enquired.I shook my head and with that both Liam and I walked out of the room leaving Mr.Robin alone in the room.

A/N:How was that?After this chapter alot of drama will happen please continue reading.

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