Chapter 18: Paths Meet

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Hey guys - sorry this chapter is shorter than usual - I've been incredibly swamped with work and family, but wanted to get something out to all of you. Hope everyone's having a good Holiday, whatever you do or don't celebrate! :) 

I also thought I'd give a few pronunciations since some of the terms below are Gaelic or Gaelic derived. That means that for most English speakers, they sound waaayyyy different than we expect. Also, that being said, while the Fae in my world are definitely inspired by Celtic mythology, I want to be very clear that they are my own imaginings and are NOT an accurate representation or reflection of ancient Celtic culture or mythology. Out of respect for that culture and history, please do not take them as such. Thanks!

Sidhe - pronounced Shee 
Eogan/Eoghan - pronounced OH-en 
Unsleir - I want to be really clear that I invented this name. It is NOT Gaelic or Celtic in origin, though I did loosely base it off of the Unseleigh/Unseelie term. Anywho - pronounced uhn-SLEEH


Eogan looked through the window of the well-appointed bedroom. The view into the forest was beautiful and soothed him, as it would most Fae. Michael's reputation is accurate on all counts. He is a gracious host, though I know he's not comfortable with my presence. Not that I can blame him. His experiences with Unsleir have not exactly been the most positive. How ironic that his Ruach is one of my blood.

Eogan's lip twitched in amusement as he draped himself across the chair he'd moved to face the window. He intended to be comfortable for his next task.

Slowly he extended his awareness out into the forest, getting to know each blade of grass, every tree, the mice in their dens, the owls in their trees, and every other plant an animal that made up the entirety of the land around him. Michael is a good caretaker, he thought to himself, feeling health and vitality wrap around him while gently merging and making his presence known. He felt traces of various other Fae, but none of his stature and all acknowledged him as superior with no challenge. Within minutes, the forest was his.

Guard my blood well, he whispered to the land, feeling a wave of acknowledgment and acceptance. Should their ever be any trouble, both Michael and Lucienne would find a great deal of protection within the forest.

Now to bring a little extra power to that protection, he thought to himself while shifting his sight to view the ley lines of energy running across the land. While all Fae had natural abilities with the land, working the ley lines was typically the purview of the Sidhe. While Unsleir could learn the skill, ordinarily his people found it challenging. Of course our family always seemed to have a natural instinct for it. I have often wondered if one of our ancient ancestors might not have been a Sidhe.

Carefully Eogan tested the ley lines as he found them, learning each one as he mapped them. This larger one can be moved, and would provide more than enough power to... enliven the forest should it become necessary. As long as moving it won't cut off the smaller lines that it feeds...

He studied the network, checking the impact on the small lines if he moved the large one. Interesting... Several of these small ones have already been moved, and all in ways that benefit Michael. Clearly he has someone quite talented on his side, Eogan thought to himself while testing the remnants of energy left behind by the one that had done the work.

Lineage and bloodlines were the realm of all Unsleir, and it was mere moments before Eogan had pieced together the energy signature of Michael's mage. Well... Lord Reece is certainly a man of many surprises. A Sidhe mage will certainly be most useful, though I am curious to what tempted one to stay within this realm. After all, human technology tends not to mix well with Sidhe mages.

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