[22] Harmless Kiss

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Kelsey's POV

Isaac stopped driving once we reached an ambulance rally point. The ride here was a little too quiet for my taste. But since Peter and Isaac don't get along, then the situation between myself and Isaac, and Cora sleeping, it was kind of understandable. But still.

The three of us look around from our windows to see if the cost was clear. "You see the twins?" Isaac asked, looking over at me. "No." I replied.

"I see the Argents." Peter added, not sounding so happy. Oh joy, now I have to team the hunter family. "Not to bring up uncomfortable memories, but wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and then they burned you alive, hmm?" Isaac brought up, before looking at Peter.

But Peter was gone. "Great, he left me." I sighed, Isaac glanced at me before getting out of the car. Reluctantly, I undone my seatbelt and got out the car as well. "Where are the others?" Allison asked us.

"I don't know. Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer. I had to get Cora and Kelsey out." Huh, he didn't mention Peter, guess that's better off, wouldn't want Peter to get an arrow through his heart after what he did to Kate Argent, because then I won't have anyone to train me. After a few seconds, another car pulled up, which I recognized as Derek's.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" Allison asked Derek as he ran to the car Isaac and I had been in. "Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold off the cops for us." Aw, I hope Stiles doesn't get into any trouble for being there. Isaac opened the car door for Derek to get Cora out.

"We have to go right now." He told myself and Isaac. Derek carried Cora bridal style into the back of his car, Isaac opening the doors for him again. "What about Scott and Melissa?" Chris asked. Derek didn't answer straight away, I suppose he was busy getting Cora in. "Jennifer took Melissa." Wha...what?

Jennifer took my mom. She took my mom! Oh my god, no, she's going to kill her. She's going to kill mom! Oh god, oh god. No! No, please let this be a dream, please! My eyes went a little watery and I felt a little dizzy. Isaac looked at me with worry, I could see it in his eyes. I heard the Argents drive off in their car. "What about Scott?" I asked frantically.

Derek didn't answer. Why isn't he answering me? Has something happened to him? Did Scott get hurt? "Derek, where's my brother?" I ask again, raising my voice a little. He's in trouble isn't he? He turned around to face me. "He...he's with Deucalion. He's joined them to help find your mom and Stiles' dad." I didn't say anything back, I don't know what to say.

My hands started to shake as I walked to the car door. I felt my heart quicken, and my surroundings spinning around and around like I was on a carousel, and my vision become a little blurry as my eyes started to water. I rubbed at my eyes, whipping the tears away so I could see.

Once the tears were out of my eyes, it looked like everything around me was a fuzzy TV screen. I need to get out of here. I need to go now. Just as I thought I couldn't any worse, my throat felt like it was becoming smaller and small, causing me to desperately gasp for air.

Oh god, mom. Scott. They're going to die! "Kelsey?" Isaac called as he rushed to my side. Why does his voice sound muffled? I felt his hand grab my shoulder, turning me to face him. I looked up to see his face but he kept moving. "S-stop." I said to him as he kept flickering from blurry to clear.

For a second I could hear the increase of my heart, as I was hyperventilating, burning in my ears. "Stop what? I'm not doing anything." Then I felt a sudden pain in my head, which felt like my brain was vibrating. The humming sound, it needs to stop. I held my hands to my ears, trying to silence the sounds.

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