But Water is Just so Wet!

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Happy funny chapter! I swear Kaelynn can swim because in every single Adopted book, the kid can't swim and the parents save her and it gets all lovey sappy. Thou shalt be none of that!

Once we got home we ate a really quick lunch of whatever the heck we saw in the fridge. It was kind of fun throwing stuff around and "cooking." We were all really excited to swim so we completely rushed ourselves.

  By the time it was 12:45, we were done with lunch. I ran to my room to get dressed and Taylor and Adam did the same, Taylor in her room, and Adam in the guest room.

I picked out a striped colourful one piece bathing suit and put it on really quickly. I was done before anyone else, so I got a towel out for everyone and put some sunscreen on. It was July 13 and at least 85 degrees. I looked out the glass door at the pool. It was huge!

  Taylor and Adam walked into the living room. I smiled and didn't even say anything as I ran out the door and down the stairs and into the pool. There was a really cool slide to get in, and it was really fun. I got closer to the bottom and I expected to land in the water, but I landed on a giant inflatable swan. Oh right. I'd seen pictures of this. (His hands are in my hair, his swan is in my pool)

  "Whee!" I floated around on the swan. Taylor laughed and sat down next to the pool with her feet in it. I gave her a look.  "Aren't you going to get in and swim?" I asked.

  "Uh... Well... I would but.... Water is just so wet!" Taylor said shrugging and swinging her legs back and forth in the water. Suddenly I got an idea! I pretended to be ok with that and nodded calmly.

  Taylor started talking to Adam but I couldn't hear because I went underwater and under the swan so no one could see me and swam until I was a foot away from Taylor. Then, I grabbed both of her feet and pulled her into the water.

  "AHH-" Taylor's screams were cut off when she landed in the water. I giggled and swam out from under the swan.

  Taylor came up underwater and splashed me.  "Water fight?" I asked and Taylor nodded. I pushed some water towards her and we did this again and again for about a minute when I came up with an idea.

  I quickly grabbed the swan and use it to shield me from the water. "Hey! That's not fair!" Taylor laughed. I smiled and we both gave up on the whole splashing thing.

Y'all have a choice... I could continue to publish new chapters just whenever I finish one (which usually results in a long time without a chapter), OR I could take a hiatus and write about ten chapters and then when I come back, I can publish one every few days. This chapter is really short cuz I haven't updated in a while but what the hay. Short chap is better then no chap.


Adopted By Taylor SwiftHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin