Who is Jessica?! (17)

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Another one of my favourite songs. Just so you know this has nothing to do with the chapter.




1 week later.

I turned over on my left side on the bed now facing the big thick curtains that hid the french sliding doors. I have absolutely nothing to do. I couldn't go anywhere, thanks to the heavy snow. I had the heater on in my room on full blast to keep myself from freezing. I sat up and took my laptop from my night table and opened it. I turned it on and while it was loading up, there was a knock on the door.

I looked up at the door and said, "Come in."

The door opened a bit and I saw someone poke their head in. I smiled when I realised it was peter.

Peter is the same guy who carried my bags when I was moving from my house. We've become friends, he's really nice and is just older than me by a month. When I first saw him I knew he couldn't have been more than 25 years old and I was right.

"Hey Petey, what's up?" I asked. He closed the door behind him and plopped down onto my bed.

"I just came to see how you were doing." He stated looking up at me from his lying position.

"I'm fine, Just bored. And shouldn't you be at the club with the rest of the guys."

"I haven't been back there since the attack, they haven't gotten rid of the bodies yet."

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what? I haven't been there since the attack or why they haven't gotten rid of the bodies?" He asked still looking at me.

I looked down at my laptop screen and noticed that it came on and I turned it back off.

"Both." I said closing the laptop.

"To be honest, I'm scared. I've never really experienced an attack because they usually happen in Italy and the guys would usually get rid of anyone who tried to disturb them with pure ease. But with Rivero, his gang is almost as strong as our's so it won't be as easy to get rid of them. And for the dead bodies question they are searching the bodies' to see if Rivero left anymore hidden messages for us."

I took in every word he said.

"When did you join the maf-" I cut myself off replaying what he said in my mind. 

'To see if Rivero left anymore hidden messages for us'

The word that stood out to me was,


"What do you mean by anymore?" I asked

"Didn't Mariano tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I asked.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"When we were attacked last week, one of the men had a name carved into his chest. It was a message from Rivero." He spoke.

I gasped at the thought of someone carving something into someone else's chest.

"What name was carved in the chest?" I asked.

He looked like he couldn't speak. Like if he told me this I would freak out. But, I know I wouldn't.

"Peter, tell me." I urged.

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke.

"Jessica." He said looking away from me.

Confusion hit me like a rock in the head. Who on God's earth is Jessica?

"Who is Jessica?" I asked.

"Okay, this I can't tell you. It's not my place to tell you. Mariano will tell you on his own time." He said.

___MARIANO's P.O.V___

"Take this one away, there is nothing on it." I said gesturing to the body that lay infront of me. My men took the body away and I walked to the other one to inspect it.

"How's the search going?" I turned to see Conroy standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"We haven't found anything yet." I said running a hand through my hair so it would stay to the back.

Just then Dereck came to us and said he found something. Conroy and I followed him to the lounge, where a couple other bodies lay, and might I say, it stinks alot but this is a scent I'm used to.

"There." He said pointing to the wall.

"What are you pointing to?" Conroy asked.

"Hold on."He said walking away. He came back a couple seconds later holding a magnifying glass. He held it up to a spot on the wall. The area became bigger and there in bold letters read 

'You'll soon understand my pain.'

I read that sentence over and over again until Dereck moved the magnifying glass from infront of it.

"Do you think he's talking about-" Derek began but I cut him off.

"Yes." I spat.

"What does it mean?" Someone spoke from behind me. I turned to see one the girls I know as Vicky.

"What do you think it means."  I pushed past her and went into my office. I slammed the door shut and sat in my chair with my head in my hands. 

I knew exactly what Rivero meant. If he thinks I'm gonna let him hurt Isabella, he made a fucking mistake. There is no way I'm gonna let him hurt her, He'd have to go through me to get to her and I'm not an easy person to deal with. He might be one of the most dangerous men in the world but I am the most dangerous.

------GABBY's P.O.V-----

I sat in my bed on my phone texting James when I heard a loud knock coming from down stairs. I let out a frustrated sigh as I headed down the long halls and down the staircase. I figured it was just my parents who came back from the supermarket. I entered the kitchen and no one was in there. I heard the knock again and noticed it was coming from the front door. I walked a little to the door and looked through the glass window beside it.

There were about three men standing outside. They were holding something and I couldn't see what it was. 

"Break it down." I heard a man with a husky voice speak. The banging on the door became louder and heavier. I ran back up the stairs and into my room. I fumbled with my cell phone before I dialed the police number.

I put the phone to my ears as it rang.

"Come on, pick up the phone." I said with fright building up inside of me by the second.

"911 what's your emergency." I heard a lady operator say.

"Aum, some is breaking into my house, aum my address is 18 melb-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because I felt something wet cover my mouth. I fought the person who was holding me from behind as best as I could, until everything went black.

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