Chapter Forty-Seven (Part Two)

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 >>>>> The song on the left should defintely be Carson and Vincent's "song", don't you agree? ;D

Chapter Forty-Seven (Part Two)



 "Hey Vincent," Carson said, smiling.

I gave her a mischievous grin just as everybody in the room started to holler. We both laughed as we looked in the direction of all our friends from our school who were now giving us the thumbs up. Erik and Matt, in particular, were even clapping as if I had actually done something right for once. And maybe I did do something right because in that moment dancing with Carson, I felt as I though this was where I needed to be all along.

Looking up from her gaze, I saw the guy who she was dancing with before and immediately recognized him as Ethan Adams-- the model that the media were trying to pass of as the guy Carson was supposedly cheating on when she was still "with me". I never talked to the dude in my entire life but I immediately got the vibe that he was a good guy.

Ethan smiled at me and gestured towards Carson as if he was trying to say, "Go for it."

I half-smiled and mouthed the words, "Thank you."

I then looked back to Carson who was still smiling up at me and i had to admit, she looked even more beautiful face-to-face. "You look amazing," I whispered as continued moving across the dance floor with her.

Carson laughed as she observed the black blazer i was wearing, but she didn't say anything else as the song continued blaring through the speakers. I could tell that she was in deep concentration of what she was suppose to do next so that she could create  less mistakes as possible in choreography. And to be honest, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing as well since it had been weeks since I actually practised the moves, so I kept looking over to Simon who kept on gesturing towards the direction I should be moving in.

When the song finally came close to the end, well, that was the part where I actually remembered what to do.

Once the rest of the guys spun their girls around and knelt down onto one knee so that their partner could sit on the other, all eyes were immediately on Carson and I since we were both the only ones dancing. Carson gave me the don't-you-dare-mess-this-up look and I only rolled my eyes. "I got this," I assured her as we did our last few moves. Then, on the last spin, I grabbed her arm and pulled her down into a dip.

Everyone went nuts.

I wiggled my eyebrows at Carson. "You should be proud that I didn't drop you," I said.

Carson laughed. "You should be proud that i didn't step on your feet."

"Yeah, you actually did."

Carson frowned. "I did?"

i laughed as I pulled her up, causing her tiara to drop the floor. "I was just kidding," I replied, bending down to pick it up. Then, I placed the silver thing back onto her head and smiled. "You look beautiful tonight, you really do."

Carson's face immedaitely turned red. "Thank you."

"What? Aren't you going to throw an insult back at me?"

Carson laughed as she shook her head. "Not tonight."

Just as I was about to respond, the lights immediately darkened and the bright L.E.D lights started shining all over the room. Then, I looked over to the DJ, who was now playing these upbeat songs, giving the entire room the vibe of an actual club. I looked over to Carson and laughed because we both knew that seniors in high school had a slight tendency to go a bit crazy in parties. When Carson was given a mic by her mom, she tapped it once, and shouted, "Let's get this party started!"

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