Christmas Special

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Hey don't worry!!! This won't be 5000 words again!!! Trust me! I don't want to write that much! I'll try not to go over 1500!

Gray's POV

It's December 23 on a Thursday. We only get Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off from school! But this week we don't have to learn anything! I'm sooooo happy!

I really want to ask Ziri to the Christmas Dance tonight! But I have to ask her today! Natsu already asked Lucy, like 3 times, and she finally said 'yes' so he has a date.

Lyon also has a date with that girl with long blue hair that is at every practice/game and around my house all the time! She's kinda freaking me out. I can't understand why he would have her as a date.

Loke has a date with the shy one in the other class. Oh what was her name again?........hmmm......oh that's right! It was Aries! She's just so shy!

Sting and Rouge have dates as well! There going with Yukino and Kagura.

I'm the only one who doesn't have a date. Last year I didn't go with anyone, and we didn't have anything like this in middle school. This will be my first time going on a 'date'!!! It's unbelievable!

I don't know if I want to start dating. I mean....what if she says, 'no'? What do I do then? Ziri's the first person I've had a crush on. And I can't tell if she likes me back. I thought to myself as I walked to school. Alright! I'll ask her in the gym this morning!! I decided and started to run.

When I got to the gym I saw her shooting. I went into the locker room.

Ok! How do I say it? I thought as I changed into my basketball outfit. Um... 'Hey Ziri!-' no, 'Um Ziri...I was just wondering-' no it sounds like I'm nervous... Oh! How about 'Ziri! I've got a question to ask you!' And then I ask her if she wants to go with me? Oh I don't know! I'll make it up as I go! I walked out of the locker room and to Ziri. "Ziri!! I h-have to a-a-ask you something......i-important...." Dam! I'm stuttering! Sweat dropped down my face.

She stopped shooting and looked at me with the ball in her left hand. "Yea? What is it?" She asked.

"W-well...." I scratched the back of my head and blushed. "D-do you have anyone to g-go to the d-d-dance with?"

"No." She simply replied. She spun the ball on her fingers. "But.....I would like to go with someone. Lumi already....has a date....with that Hiroki boy in her class." She starred at me.

I was happy and embarrassed. Well she didn't say 'no'..... I thought. "T-then would you like to go with.....with...."

"With who?"

"With me?" I whispered. I lowered my head to try and hide my red face.

"Eh....sure, why not?"

I lifted my head in surprise! Only to be met with something soft on my cheek. Chu~

Ziri pulled away, she had kissed me. She......she kissed my cheek! I thought motionless.

My face was so red it would put Erza's hair to shame.

"Well......I'd better get going....." She started to walk towards the girls locker room.

"Wait!" I said.

She turned around.

"Why? Why did you do that just now?" I asked, still stunned that she kissed me.

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