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Lucy's P.O.V

I didn't realize I fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night.

I'm such a cry baby.

My eyes turned all red from the crying but now I'm fine. Maybe I won't go to the guild for 1 day.

Only for 1 day..........

"Ugh!" I shouted while laying in bed suddenly I heard someone knock.

I opened the door it was Levy I said "oh, Levy-chan what brings you here?" Out of curiosity. "Oh Lu-chan, sorry disturbing your nap" she said.

"Nah, it's ok I just woke up" I said with a smile. "Everyone was worried, you just suddenly left the guild like that" she exclaimed. "Well, you see I forgot something here and ended up never finding it" I said.

I lied again..

"Well, Lu-chan Natsu wanted you to have this" she gave a letter to me I noticed her hands were shaking. I took it and said "Uh, thanks" with a smile. "You wanna stay for a bit longer?" I asked "No I can't I'm busy, bye Lu-chan" she bid farewell and left me. "Bye" I shouted she turned around and waved her hands and I also waved my hands.


I closed the door and held the letter onto my chest I went to the table we're I write my stories. I nervously opened the letter and tried to hold back my tears.

Dear Lucy,

I have something to say. And I hope it won't bother you or anything cause your my friend and all. Actually,I'm kicking you out of team Natsu I'm not calling you weak or anything your just going to be a burden to us. And I don't want you to get hurt or anything (cause your my best friend).

P.S Lisanna is gonna replace you (sorry)

"From.....Natsu" as soon as I've finished reading the letter I cried.


I quickly crumpled the letter and threw it into the trash. I can't believe it he can just it to me face-to-face but, he wrote it all in this stupid letter.

I can't believe he called me

A burden.

Chapter 2 end~

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