Chapter 6

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Lucille P.O.V.

You know what's the most therapeutic thing in the world? Animals. Nothing in the world can match the feeling of when you first see a little animals eyes making contact with your own. It's like as soon as the connection is made, your soul is in their hands and everything you have is theirs.

What sucks though, is when your eyes keep connecting with hundreds of animals and you don't have enough soul to go around for everyone. So then it's just depressing because you can't take every single one home and then you're conflicted about your whole life. That's where I am right now.

Sighing, I keep walking with my head down, refusing to look into the eyes of anymore animals. That is, until I hear a high pitched sonic bark, causing me to glance up.

In front of me was a gorgeous dog, wagging his whole body, causing him to look like he was about to explode. On his face was a smile, showing off his sparkly teeth and black and pink tongue. His fur was light blonde, dark blonde, and brown. Except for the tips of his ears. They were a brown but at the very tips, it curled into a black. His golden brown eyes beckoned me.

Walking over, he started jumping up and down, once again giving his sonic bark. Putting my hand over the little gate, I petted him. His fur was as soft as anything and I decided, yup. I lost.

"MOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!" I whisper shout at her, as she keeps walking up the aisle. She looks over at me, and raises her eyebrow.

"Is that the one, Lucy?" Mom knows my process of picking out dogs, and she's always made fun of me. I stick my tongue out at her, but nod.

"Alright then, let's to sign the papers!"


Roughly an hour later, we are in the car, on our way home with Charlie! He was a medium sized dog, and the shelter volunteers said that he was a chow and golden retriever mix. Charlie is just the perfect one for our home.

Exiting the car, I put his leash on him, and he calmly walks with me.  Iris is outside, along with Brendon and a bunch of other people, but they are much further back in the yard than Iris.

She runs up to Charlie, eyes as big as the moon. When she is a couple of feet away, she starts shuffling to him, her hand stretched out. She looks at me, and I nod, kneeling down. Glancing back at him, she moves closer and pets him, and he presses into her hand, causing her to giggle.

"His name is Charlie. He is roughly two years old." I inform her, rubbing Charlie's back. She giggles and wraps her arms around him.

"I love him!" I smile at her, nodding my head.

"Maybe you can come over later and play with him! How does that sound? Go ask your mommy!" I can't help but die inside as her eyes light up and she runs inside, screaming for her mom. Standing up, I walk to my door.

Now that I'm closer to Brendon and the people with him, I see that they are all boys. Brendon is the only one leaning against the house, dragging on a cigarette. As I get closer to my door, they all look at me.

"Damn, Bren. When did the little hottie move next door? She got curves for days! Wouldn't mind tapping that ass." The shortest one whistled at me. I could feel his eyes travel up my body, and it gave me the creeps. Crossing my eyes, I glared at him.

Brendon whispered something to him, barely moving from his spot. Whatever he said caused the little guy to look at him.

"Oh yeah, sure. I don't care, I want a piece of her." His shrill voice travels. Disgusted,  I scrunch up my nose. But as soon as he finished his sentence, Brendon quickly moves.

Brendon throws him against the house by his collar, his cigarette inches from his face, Brendon slowly bringing the cherry closer to his cheek. As if deciding against it, he takes a drag, and blows the smoke in his face. I hear a low noise, as if a growl, but I can't make out any words.

"I-I'm not scared of you man. Girl can decided what she wants." Even I can hear the fear in his voice. Watching still, I see Brendon drop the boy, slamming the wall next to him. Within seconds, Brendon is strolling towards me.

A calm look on his face, his eyes stare at me with intensity. He had flicked the cigarette away, and now his hands are slightly shaking. With his long legs, it doesn't take him long to get to me.

"Please just go along with it." And with that, he kisses me. Both of his hands are holding my cheeks, while one of mine is against his chest, the other one still holding Charlie's leash. His lips move against mine, one of his hand traveling to the back of my neck, giving me chills. He bites my lip, and my eyes shoot open, and I slowly push him away.

"You smell like smoke. You owe me." I keep my face blank, while on the inside, I'm screaming. He just KISSED ME. Without my permission? Even though it was a heated kiss, and I didn't mind it, I still preferred people to ASK. Permission is sexy, and a given.

"I promise I will make it up to you. Thank you, LuLu." With  that, he causally walked back to his friends, who were watching us with their mouths open. He passes the short one, who holds up his hands. Brendon grabs his jacket, and goes to his car, all of the boys following him as if lost puppies.

I look down at Charlie who is looking up at me.

"Do you understand what just happened?" As if on cue, he shook his head. Giggling to myself, I opened the door.

"Neither do I."

Going to my room, I put my hand on my lips. His lips were chapped,  and somehow cold yet warm at the same time. His hands were rough and soft against my skin. The kiss was gentle, but it felt needy. That boy was just everything wrapped into one.

And I don't know if it frightened me, or scared me shitless..

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