bish wha???

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(Pic of the twins)

Yea they were fucking or they were wrestling naked.
August:oh shit bro.kadriana aren't y'all datin .
Kadriana:yea ........but I guess were not any more she starting crying and ran off.
Hey wyd said shadeldra.non everyone.hey u heard that moanin y'all I said . yea I did too said camren.. Hey where's ur girl friend kadriana said August. Girl friend she said to d-low lookin hella stupid. No she not he said. Kadriana came up and slaped the shit out of d-low .what the fuck u bitch said d-low that's what u get u cheating ass hole and how could u shadeldra ur my sister and u fuck my boyfriend fuck both of yall oh and shadeldra tell mom and dad that I'm moving out said Kadriana and stormed in the house and grabbed her sgit and left.shadeldra turned to d-low.Bae its not what u .before he could finish the sentence she punched him in his nose making it bleed instantly and he fell to the ground.bye u little dick ass boy she said as she walked to the house and slamed the fucked up man said August. And we all walked away

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